Monday, February 22, 2016

"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" - Stop Watering Weeds!

During my Prison Ministry visit on Saturday, an inmate made the following statement: "I've allowed Satan to plant a Garden in my mind, and I've been watering it ever since."

Think about this. Have we allowed the same thing? Are we watering what we've allowed Satan to plant in our minds. Are there seeds of jealousy, racism, lust, greed, lies, and addiction that we are watering and allowing to grow in our lives?

There is a stronghold on our minds and we must win the battle that is being waged in our minds. In the movie "The War Room", one of the strongest scenes in the movie was when the wife was sitting in her closet and she begun to understand what the scriptures were saying to her. "Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee". She said this to herself several times and when the Word of God became real to her, it became the turning point in her home, her marriage and in herself!

Know this truth today and every day, God wants to plant seeds of righteousness in the lives of His people. God requires from us a harvest; He wants for us to be fruitful. We are not to harvest "weed", instead weeds are to be pulled out and uprooted/destroyed. Yet our society is legalizing "Weed" and we wonder why things are as they are. We haven't resisted the devil, we are welcoming him into our society, our homes and in our lives and we are creating legal means for him to remain.

Bottom line, we need to resist him. We need to submit to God. We need to tell the devil to go to Hell. Get out of our houses, get out of our kids, get out of our relationships and get out of our marriages!

The Word of God tells us to "Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee" (James 4:7)

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