Monday, February 1, 2016

"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" - The Poor

Let's be real, we all know the type of poor that is tied to financial difficulties. This type of poor is what we have come to know as lacking sufficient money to live what some would consider comfortable or normal in a society.

However, there are the POOR who appear as if they have it all together. These are those who aren't lacking, those who have jobs, a roof over their heads, food on the table and at least a dollar or two in their pockets or bank account. Yet they are still POOR. How do I know?  I know because I was this type of POOR!

Most poor situations can be helped by throwing money and resources at it. But what do you do when money and resources aren't the cure or the fix?

Tell them about Jesus! You see, whether it's financial or the absence of something or someone, there's one thing that is true about both conditions of being POOR...POOR people need help and when help is offered, most times help is greatly received.

Someone told me about Jesus and my words have become just like those of the Psalmist who penned:

"This poor man cried out, and the Lord heard him, And saved him out of all his troubles." (Psalms 34:6 NKJV)

Now, don't be mislead, I didn't just say that I don't have troubles any longer. What I'm saying is that when my troubles do come, The Lord saves me from them all. Hallelujah!

Because of Christ Jesus, I have been made to live an abundant life, RICH in joy and RICH in blessings! I'm no longer POOR and because of Christ, I'm called to POUR into those who no longer wish to be POOR!

I pray that whoever reads this understands and receives this truth. The truth is that there is help, His name is Jesus!

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