Saturday, October 23, 2010

Confusing Signs

NOW, something about this is just WRONG!  Have you ever felt that the instruction that you received doesn’t lineup with the direction that you are meant to travel?
The sign is confusing but the instruction is correct!  The sign says to go left, but the instruction is to keep right!  Isn’t this how it is for those who are worldly minded?
The world has plenty of “signs” pointing us in the wrong direction.  These signs act upon the three areas of life that is truly the basis of ALL SIN:  as written in 1 John 2:16 “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.”  We are drawn by the attractiveness of worldly things, we are seduced by the temporal elegance of the flesh and we are ensnared by our need to be popular in the world.
However, the Word of God instructs and informs us that we are to clothe ourselves with humility toward one another, because, God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.  Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time.  If there’s anything that we are struggling with that we are to cast all of our anxiety on Him because he cares for us.  Don’t cast your anxiety on drugs; alcohol or unhealthy relationships… these will definitely lead you in the wrong direction and FAST!   We need to be self-controlled and alert, sober and not drunk!
Yes, stay alert!  If the “sign” that you are shown doesn’t match the instruction that has been given…DON’T FOLLOW. 
The true sign with the correct instruction is Jesus, the Christ, who simply says “Follow Me”.  Will you follow Him today?
The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him (Nahum 1:7)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Leading by Example, NOT Words!

Paula White - Congratulations,You Did It!

I take great pride and pleasure in sharing this post with everyone.  I am delighted in knowing someone who after already raised a family and has become established professionally and who continually strives to be the ultimate partner and helper to her husband… decided to do something that was for her!
It’s alright to be all of these things, but what is also important is our own sense of accomplishment and self-worth.  It is important to not only dream, but also to carry out that dream to fruition.
As parents, we constantly speak to our children the importance of not just having goals, but to have a means to achieve their goals.  We tell them to not give up and that if you want it bad enough it will happen.  We spend a tremendous amount of time speaking to them about follow-through, determination, about being contributing individuals to society and not to be a problem in society.  We “TALK” a lot and our intentions are admirable!
However, we all must understand that the best example that we can show our children is the example of DOING.  We can say a whole lot, but what we actually do, what our children actually see is of the utmost importance.  They need to see us achieving, they need to see the work that we are putting into something, they need to see the elation that we express upon a successful completion of a task, they need to see the steadfastness that we show when the goal appears to be unachievable, they need to see the tenacity that we apply to the accomplishment of our tasks….THIS is what is remembered, THIS is what forms the inner-thoughts of our children and/or those who are watching us in action! 
It’s easy to say that we want to finish something, but it is entirely another thing to actually go out and do the work that is required to finish!
My Sister In-law did exactly that!  Without bells, whistles or huge fanfare…she quietly, meticulously and methodically went about the process of achieving her goal of obtaining her Degree.  In the wake of her determination, lives were changed, perspectives where gained and success was accomplished.
Paula has single-handedly set a precedent for the rest of the family and already her youngest is enrolled in college and my son WILL BE NEXT!!
THANKS AUNT PAULA!  We applaud and appreciate YOU!

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Goodness of Life in Christ

“The Goodness of life in Christ goes much deeper than fun!”  I received this text message from a friend of mine last Friday.  When I received it, I just skimmed over it and said that was nice.  However, unknowingly, this message would be a prologue to the weekend.  Let me explain.
My niece, Alicia, is a freshman this year at Frostburg State University and has been away now for nearly 2 months.  Although her time away would seem short, the time away from family, those who truly love and adore Alicia seemed much, much longer.
Well, the weekend of the Columbus Day holiday was Frostburg’s Family and Friends Day.  The family had been planning to make the trip to see Alicia for a over a month; making Hotel reservations, signing up for events at the college, cooking all of her favorite food items from various family members and wrapping up loose ends here in the local area prior to traveling to the University.  We strategically made all of this preparation and planning well in advance so that we could and would have “fun” during our visit.
The drive could be labeled as uneventful, meaning no traffic jams, no weather difficulties and no mechanical issues with the vehicles.  However, I would change that label and say that the drive was spectacular!  I say this because the coolness of the morning air, the brightness and warmth of the sun shining above and the colors of autumn surrounding us as we drove through the mountains were indeed spectacular.  Yeah, everything during our trip to Frostburg was “fun”.

Rocky Gap State Park, Flintsone MD

Our first order of business before seeing Alicia was to check-in to our Hotel.  We approached the exit for the Hotel and began to notice how beautiful it was…I mean EVERYTHING appeared to be as if on a cover of a magazine!  The golf course straddled both sides of the street leading to the hotel.  Nature trails, a crystal like man-made lake surrounded the property and the Hotel itself was simply stunning!  Upon entering, we approached the desk, gave our name and were informed that everything was in order. Yeah, as planned, the “fun” was becoming a reality!
My brother came and met us in the lobby (he and his wife, Paula, arrived the night prior) and helped us to our room and then led us to the dining room where we had breakfast.  The anticipation was great for everyone; hurry up and eat so that we can get to the college.  We were all checking our watches and reviewing the schedule of events for that day at Frostburg…anxious for the “fun” stuff that the college students and faculty had prepared for the families that would be visiting.
When we pulled into the parking lot of the apartments where my niece was residing, before we can even park the car, we could hear the “Hellos” from her and her roommates!  You see, they had been waiting to see us as much as we’ve been waiting to see them!

My niece Alicia, walking IN answered prayer

Alicia (left) was the ultimate tour guide and host!  She showed us around “her” school with great pride.  We visited all her places of study, dining and Java City, her favorite place to be!  She took us to the campus bookstore and bought everyone a little something to take back with them to represent Frostburg. Yes, the “fun” was being enjoyed!
It wasn’t until later on that evening when Ken and I were sitting out on the dock that extended out into the lake, after the “fun” of the day had come to an end, that it hit me.  As I looked at my brother, I began to not only see, but to understand and be reminded once again of “The Goodness of life in Christ” and that it indeed is much more than just “fun”.  I saw in Ken: Confidence not worry or anxiety about neither financial concerns nor health concerns for Alicia, I saw Calmness in his personality not turmoil, and I saw Assurance instead of conflicting thoughts as to the well-being of his daughter and the distance that now separates them.  He was at peace and in a place of Thanksgiving…he was LIVING and THRIVING in “The Goodness of life in Christ”!
We know that true life, not just existence, is found in Christ Jesus.  We know that He has given us life and life more abundantly, we know that He gives us joy that surpasses all understanding, we know that He gives us His peace…we know these things.  However, it is not every day that we live IN IT; we oftentimes just live it without acknowledging His Goodness.
Let’s look back with our spiritual eyes…Because He loves us, He went ahead of us to make all things perfect.  The drive was perfect, the weather was perfect, the accommodations were perfect, the activities at the school was perfect, Alicia was in perfect health and doing well academically as well as socially…everything was ABSOLUTELY PERFECT!  You see, when you look back, you begin to realize that it wasn’t ABOUT us and who we are…it was FOR us because of whose we are!  We did not only prepare and make arrangements; we prayed that the day would be “fun”.  He went beyond “fun” and blessed EVERYTHING about the trip!!!
Life in Christ is so much more than just fun, it’s deeper than fun, it is eternal and not temporal, it is beyond our imagination and our comprehension; and because we are His children, He gives us grace when we don’t acknowledge His goodness and when we overlook His provisions and protection.
I couldn’t even begin to label this weekend as “fun”.  However, I do label it as a blessing and I do say that “The Goodness of life in Christ is AWESOME…everything about the life in Christ is AWESOME…every aspect of living your life in Christ is AWESOME!!!”
If you want to have “fun”, schedule a trip to an amusement park.  You may or may not have fun on that particular day, it may or may not rain, the park may or may not be open…BUT, THE GOODNESS OF LIFE IN CHRIST GOES SO MUCH FURTHER than “fun”, it is available to all of us, every single day of our life…and beyond!
Just like the proud parents who wanted to ensure that everything about their daughter's experience in college and being away from home was perfect…Our Heavenly Father makes certain that everything that concerns His children, He will perfect it!
Many thanks to my friend Teddy Foote, for sending me this text message and ultimately, this reminder!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Intentional Fellowship

COMPLETE Don’t COMPETE - Intentional Fellowship
Over the past several months, several of us have become intimate with the knowledge and behind the scene intricacies of what is involved in bringing together two churches…one predominately Black and the other White.
Beyond the obvious differences of race, culture, ethnicity, customs, etc. there is also the overwhelming need to make one another not only “feel”,  but really for everyone to “BE”:  equally important, equally represented, equally productive, equally challenged, equally celebrated and equally loved.
We get so spun up trying to achieve all of this that we tend to go on stress overload.  It is extremely hard to work tirelessly, just to keep everyone’s personal agenda, well… PERSONAL!  Let’s get this right, the “agenda” is God’s Agenda, not our agendas; our personalities can easily disturb and delay the outcome of what God is doing among us.
Last night during one of our meetings, one of the members of our committee, said something that stuck with me all day.  He said “We need to be Intentional in our Fellowship”.  OK, I know that this is nothing new, but the timing was perfect!
Oftentimes the simple solution is overlooked because of the apparent obstacles that “seem” to be in our way.  They are obstacles because we don’t see God in the solution.  What we do see is: our wants, our desires, our traditions, our customs and our preferences.  No wonder things tend to get difficult really fast!
The word INTENTIONAL, means designed; done with purpose…intentional, not accidental.
The word FELLOWSHIP, means companionship, mutual, equal, partnership, familiar…to be on friendly terms, to commune with one another
People of God, it is not by accident that God has brought us together; this coming together as a community of faith has been done for a purpose, and together, in equal partnership, having mutual respect and striving to build together on friendly terms…this fellowship will flourish, prosper and become a MIRACULOUS witness in our local community!
I ask this question…”Is there anything too hard for the Lord?” 
Look at the picture.  This picture speaks volumes about “INTENTIONAL FELLOWSHIP”.  Here we see celebration, here we see support, and here we see partnership, equality and respect! 
May we all follow the example set forth in this picture; cheering one another on to victory! 
There is absolutely NOTHING too hard for God!  The promise that God has given us as a community of worshippers; the devil can’t steal it from us!  This is our season of blessing, our season of increase…I DECLARE IT…THERE IS NOTHING TOO HARD FOR GOD!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Thanks for the Reminder!

The other day, my daughter Kaelyn (4yrs old) and I had a day to ourselves.  Both of the boys were off to school and my wife was out at work.  Anyway, we got up early, had a little something to eat (coffee for me) and we started to plan our day.   I started throwing ideas her way: “Hey, let’s go to McDonald’s Play Land”, “How about Chuckie Cheese”, “Let’s go to the Park – never mind, it’s raining”. 
These were all my ideas.  My thought was to get her out of the house on this very rainy day so that she may have some excitement, something to do…to rip and run like 4yr olds are suppose too; heck what kid wants to stay trapped up in a house with her father all day?
 Well, her thoughts were different than mine.  Her idea of a fun day with “Dad” was just that…a day with “Dad”.  She said “Wait here, I’ll be right back…OK?”  Then she went to her room and came back to where I was carrying her Dora the Explorer Back-Pack and it looked STUFFED!!
We sat down and opened her pack to see what was inside.  There were clothes, hair pieces, her toy cell phone, her grocery list and markers and crayons.  She said, “OK, what do you want to do?”  I told her that I would like to color.  Coloring was painless, no running, singing or playing Ms Mary Mack/dressing dolls.  Yeah, let’s color!
As we began coloring, her instruction to me was “Don’t worry Dad if you go outside of the lines…it’s OK”.  I said thanks and asked her what color I should use on the object that I was coloring.  Her response was “It doesn’t matter, whatever you want it to be…alright Dad?”  Man, I was having a blast, just her and I. 
Then I began to realize how special this moment really was…not only for her but for me!  How precious, of all of the choices on things to do and places to go, her delight was to spend time with me…her Dad.  And not just to spend time, but to spend “special” time with me, time where all of the rules and expectations were not relevant (any color, it doesn’t matter if you go outside of the lines).  She honestly didn’t want anything from me but my time and attention!
She pulled out a composition book and started to write all of the words that she knew.  Words like “IT”, “THE”, “DOG”, etc...  She said “Dad, spell your name”.  I did exactly what she asked…”K…E….I…T….H”.  She said “What’s that spell?”  I said that it spelled my name.  She said “No Dad, spell your REAL NAME.”  I told her that I did spell my REAL NAME.  Her response back to me was, “No, YOUR NAME IS DAD, and my name is Kaelyn.”
She began to write a story about me of all that she can recall that I am to her…”My Dad is BIG, My Dad gives me presents, My Dad is strong and carries me to bed at night, My Dad isn’t scared of the dark, etc… It warmed my heart, this exchange of ours. 
You see, I reflected on this special moment and looked at my relationship with my Heavenly Father.  How the time I spend with Him is important to Him and how I affectionately call upon His name as “Father”.  It made me realize even more so, that when I spend time with Him that it is indeed TIME SPENT WITH HIM!  I often find myself coming to Him with a list of things that I want.  Am I truly spending time with Him or simply coming to Him with a list of demands?
Kaelyn made the words of David (below) a living word for me.  I already knew that “My Father” could do anything, that He wasn’t afraid of the dark, that He gives me every good thing….I needed to be reminded that when I spend time…REAL TIME with “my Father” that nothing else matters. 
When I spend time with “My Father” there is joy, peace and love.  I am compelled to tell of His goodness and mercy towards those who call upon His name!
The Psalmist writes it this way:
“Blessed are you who give yourselves over to GOD, turn your backs on the world's "sure thing," ignore what the world worships; the world's a huge stockpile of GOD-wonders and God-thoughts. Nothing and no one comes close to you! I start talking about you, telling what I know, and quickly run out of words. Neither numbers nor words account for you.  Doing something for you, bringing something to you-- that's not what you're after. Being religious, acting pious-- that's not what you're asking for. You've opened my ears so I can listen.  So I answered, "I'm coming. I read in your letter what you wrote about me, And I'm coming to the party you're throwing for me." That's when God's Word entered my life, became part of my very being.   I've preached you to the whole congregation, I've kept back nothing, GOD--you know that.   I didn't keep the news of your ways a secret, didn't keep it to myself. I told it all, how dependable you are, how thorough. I didn't hold back pieces of love and truth for myself alone. I told it all, let the congregation know the whole story.  (Psalm 40:4-10 The Message)