Thursday, June 4, 2015

JUST ENOUGH for The Journey - Influence

Let's be real and let's also keep it simple. Everyone can be and everyone has been influenced in their lives. The issue at hand is, were we positively influenced or negatively influenced?

The difference...

Positive influences bring integrity, relationships, trust, well being and loyalty

Negative influences are contradicting, combative, condescending, manipulative and betraying

We have been warned by our parents. We have learned from the church. We have received council from our elders and our teachers. Yet we still give our attention, time and ultimately our very identity over to those fools whose only intention in life is to drag us down with them; those fools who would like nothing more than to ruin our name and our reputations; those fools who will suck the life out of us all the while smiling in our faces and giving us a "High-5".

Why are we so easily influenced by evil, yet we find boredom with RIGHT LIVING? Something is terribly wrong when we seek destruction instead of seeking our destiny.

Quit listening to foolishness. Stop and evaluate who it is that is speaking in your life. Wise council will build us up, while foolishness will tear us down.

"Go from the presence of a foolish man, When you do not perceive in  him the lips of knowledge." (Proverbs 14:7 NKJV)

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