Tuesday, March 8, 2016

"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" - Heaven is Real

God's Kingdom, Heaven is the #1 priority, but it is often the last thing on our minds. Each one of us will experience the reality of Heaven one day. Some will see Heaven from inside the pearly gates and others unfortunately will see it from the outside of the pearly gates.

A bystander said, “Master, will only a few be saved?” A lot of you are going to assume that you’ll sit down to God’s salvation banquet just because you’ve been hanging around the neighborhood all your lives. Well, one day you’re going to be banging on the door, wanting to get in, but you’ll find the door locked and the Master saying, ‘Sorry, you’re not on my guest list.’ “You’ll protest, ‘But we’ve known you all our lives!’ only to be interrupted with his abrupt, ‘Your kind of knowing can hardly be called knowing. You don’t know the first thing about me.’ “That’s when you’ll find yourselves out in the cold, strangers to grace. You’ll watch Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all the prophets march into God’s kingdom. You’ll watch outsiders stream in from east, west, north, and south and sit down at the table of God’s kingdom. And all the time you’ll be outside looking in—and wondering what happened. This is the Great Reversal: the last in line put at the head of the line, and the so-called first ending up last.” (Luke 13:23,25-30 MSG)

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