Friday, August 1, 2014

The Three C's of Finishing Strong!

Finishing Strong Friday: The Three C’s of Finishing Strong!

There are so many good people that I know. Also, I am blessed to be in a loving, caring and supportive family.  It used to be that when I had issues or difficulties, I would call on my family, engage my friends and await their advice and directions.  Oftentimes, things worked out and on my way I went. However, the times of success were short lived, sickness set in; distress came a knocking; fear and confusion paid me a visit and when I looked around I saw that I was hemmed in on every side.

I slipped into isolation effectively avoiding all of the good people in my life…I tried them and they couldn't do it.  I picked up smoking as I was of the thought that smoking would relieve stress and anxiety, only to discover that smoking added additional issues and dependencies…so smoking couldn't do it either. I tried alcohol thinking that I can drink life’s issues away only to discover that after the buzz is gone, the problems remain…so, that didn't work either! I could go on and on about things I've tried (sex, drugs, excessive partying, etc.), but we all have been there and are all too familiar with this story. 

However, it wasn't until the Word of God was shared with me by someone who has always been there in my life (my brother Ken) and seen my downward spiral, yet still told me that I was of value in the eyes of Jesus Christ, that I discovered that I was welcoming everything and receiving nothing…whereas, Jesus was accepting me as I was, yet I was refusing to come to Him. 

My favorite book (if there is such a thing, I like them all) in the Bible is John’s Gospel.  It is this Gospel that opened my eyes and my heart to who Jesus is, what He came for, and what He has already done so that I (we) can live the life meant for us, not just the life that we have been deceived into living.

Yes, I tried everything, but the Word of God CONVICTED me when it spoke clearly and precisely to my spirit, “Yet you refuse to come to me to have life.” (John 5:40)

This verse was so true in my life and after I was CONVICTED, I was then COMFORTED because I knew that I no longer had to be “hemmed” in, there was a way out!  After I was CONVICTED and then COMFORTED, the Power of The Holy Spirit then CONVERTED my spirit and I received The Lord Jesus as my Lord and Savior.

In that instant I became a child of The Most High God and I have had no need to try anything or anyone ever since…I have in Christ Jesus ALL that I will ever need!

I became transparent this morning so that I can share this Living Word so you may be CONVICTED, COMFORTED and ultimately, CONVERTED!!! The three C’s in the world are to be Cool, Calm and Collected…but, I offer CONVICTED, COMFORTED AND CONVERTED.  The three C’s that I offer gives life, the others are just a status.

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