Friday, August 22, 2014

Stripping Off the SPECTACULAR

Finishing Strong Friday: Stripping Off the SPECTACULAR!

The FAVOR of God in your life baffles others, it leaves them dumbfounded and confused. How are you doing what you are doing, how is it you succeed more than you fail, why does opportunities always come your way?

Well, everyone else is looking at the SPECTACULAR in your life, but as servants of the Most High God, we have to remind them to STRIP OFF THE SPECTACULAR!!

The "Genesis" of your success and the foundation of your Favor is based on Prayer, God's Word, Trust and Obedience! You see, when you Start Right then you will FINISH Right!!

Yes, they see the SPECTACULAR, but let them know that when you strip away the spectacular and look at the reality, THEN they will believe that it's ALL GOD!

May you begin with God and in doing so...FINISH STRONG!! There's really nothing  SPECTACULAR about me... It's God who alone is SPECTACULAR!

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