Finishing Strong Friday: Life and Death...THEN Life!
Yesterday I lost a colleague who transitioned from this life and into the next life. He died of Cancer, but today he is with Christ where there is no more sickness and no more death.
I share this with you because my friend DID NOT die hoping, he transitioned KNOWING!
There is a difference that I want for all of us to grasp this morning. When those who are Saved die, they merely transition from this life to the next. However, for those of us who are not Saved, we still transition but our destination isn't life, but truly death, which is the complete separation from God.
My colleague knew The Lord and more importantly The Lord KNEW him. When Joe transitioned, he left a diseased, dying, turbulent, corrupt, sinful, hurtful and pitiful world behind and entered into The Kingdom of God as a child of The King of kings and The Lord of lords.
It is said that for those of us who are Saved, that this life will be the only Hell that we will ever experience. Now think of what awaits those who deny's going to be a whole lot worse...totally unimaginable!
Cherish today, cherish relationships today, fix things and settle other things and of the utmost importance, accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior - tomorrow is not guaranteed.
Today I pray that when our time comes (and it will come), that we transition KNOWING and not die hoping.
Joe Cowans, Rest in Eternal Peace...YOU FINISHED STRONG!