Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Tell it, Don't Sell It!

It seems at times that we are too consumed at the idea of trying to "Sell" the Favor and Provision of God, rather than "Telling" of all that He has done in our lives. God doesn't require our witness to be sold, He only requires that it be told.

In today's Scripture, Moses is met by his father in-law Jethro and begins to tell Jethro of all that God has done in the freeing and deliverance of the Israelites from slavery at the hands of the Egyptians. After Jethro hears of how God showed Himself Strong and Mighty to Pharaoh and all of Egypt's magicians, Jethro responds by saying:

"Now I know that the Lord is greater than all gods. Yes, in the [very] thing in which they dealt proudly [He showed Himself infinitely superior to all their gods]." ( Exodus 18:11 AMP)

Today, like Moses, just tell about the goodness of God and don't "you" make any promises in an attempt to sell the story of His glory...the Promise is from God, kept by God and is always "Yea and Amen in Christ Jesus".

I pray with and for you that once you've told the story of what God has done in bringing you out...that whomever you've shared with will respond as Jethro did..."Now I Know that The Lord is Greater than ALL gods"! Amen.

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