Who has God placed in your life to help you in life?
It is true that there are many people who gives us instruction in life to develop a skill or trade; many who assist with the development of mannerisms and behaviors; and many instructors loaded with many instructions for many things. All of this is useful and necessary throughout our lives.
However, who is it, amongst all of the many instructors that loves and nurtures you through it all; who is it that loves you and is there for you through your setbacks and setups; who is it that prays earnestly for you without provocation; who is it that sees "what" you are but KNOWS that you will be so much more; who is it that you can't run out of your life, can't shut out of your life and can't thoroughly disappoint that they will walk out of your life?
You see, God has appointed those in your life to help you with life!
One thing a father NEVER teaches (I know this all to well as a father), is that "Practice Makes Perfect". You see, I can practice and put into practice each and every parenting skill in the world to raise my 17 year old son. But soon he'll turn 18 and then what? My 2nd grade daughter will soon be a 3rd grade student and my 20 year old son will be 21 in 3 weeks.
As a father, I have learned to not only love what's perfect in my children's lives, but to also love them through their imperfections. Teachers/Instructors can "Fail" you but a father never fails you! A father nurtures, corrects, encourages, supports, defends, protects, endures and forgives.
Paul wrote to the Church in Corinth as a father to those in the faith. I too have a father in the faith that checks on me first and then he checks on my ministry. Who is it that is checking on you?
Thank God for those who has been placed in your life for your life!
"For though you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel." (I Corinthians 4:15 NKJV)
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