“Don’t touch this! Don’t taste that! Don’t go near this!” Do you think things that are here today and gone tomorrow are worth that kind of attention? Such things sound impressive if said in a deep enough voice. They even give the illusion of being pious and humble and ascetic. But they’re just another way of showing off, making yourselves look important. (Colossians 2:21-23 MSG)
Really? Let's Get this Straight...there's no such thing as acting Saved, acting like a Christian or modeling the Church...You just have to "BE" SAVED; "BE" CHRISTIAN; and "BE" THE CHURCH!
Please know that relationship is different than religion, the same as marriage is different than dating. Let me try to explain myself here.
When I was dating I was trying my very best to be my very best in appearance, in my actions, in my dress, in my conversation and in my interactions with who I was dating...basically I was "Showing Off". Well, as we all have grown to know that with all of that "trying" and "acting", it becomes difficult to really be who you really are and even more difficult to maintain this fake person that you've pretended to be. Sooner or later you become overwhelmed with trying to maintain the perception and give up from mere frustration or simply from exhaustion.
This is also what happens when we are trying to maintain religion...it becomes too difficult to try to maintain all of the rules and perceptions of others and we actually lose our self rather than finding ourselves in Christ.
However, when you fall in love, there's an intimacy between you and your spouse, there's trust, there's acceptance, there's support, there's understanding, there's truth, loving kindness, peace, joy, assurance, sincerity, there's companionship thru sickness and in health. Relationships withstands good times and bad times, relationships last thru times of plenty and timed of lack. You see in a relationship we actually allow ourselves to "BE" ourselves without fear of disappointing one another.
God knows that you and I will not be our best everyday, He knows that we will mess up, God knows each and everything about us...and He still Loves us and wants to have a relationship with us. Catch what I just said... He wants a marriage not a casual date. He wants the real you and not the fake you!
Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself so that you can "BE" you in Him! So, don't try to look impressive by what you don't do or how you don't act...stop showing off and JUST "BE"!!!
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