Friday, February 21, 2014

True Greatness!

True Greatness!

In the Olympics, there is but one Podium with three distinct levels. The lowest level is for 3rd place and the individual who stands here receives a Bronze medal. The next level up is reserved for the individual who finished in 2nd place and their reward is a Silver medal and the top level is for the best performer overall, this individual clearly stands head and shoulders above everyone and the reward is the coveted Gold medal of excellence! However, there is no celebration for all of the competitors who were IN and COMPLETED the event.

Sadly in this life, we are taught that we must be the best of the best; we are taught that 2nd place is not good 3rd place really doesn't count...we even buy in to the phrase that "Ninety Nine and a Half Won't Do"!

So we find ourselves, comparing ourselves with one another; we find ourselves competing against one another; and we find ourselves scheming to defeat one another...just so we can be #1.

The Bible tells us that even those who were closest to Jesus were clearly not close with one another as they were positioning themselves for "Worldly Greatness" and not "ETERNAL GREATNESS" in Christ Jesus.  The Bible records for us in Luke 9:46 that "An argument started among the disciples as to which of them would be the greatest."

In the Gospel according to Matthew, Jesus once and for all puts an end to this worldly thinking about position that we are so engaged in, when He says to the Disciples and all of us reading this Post today, "Truly I tell you, among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; YET WHOEVER IS LEAST IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS GREATER THAN HE" (John the Baptist) - (Matthew 11:11)

Finishing Strong isn't about being superior, stronger, faster, richer, smarter or liked above anyone else...NO, Finishing Strong is about how you lived this life doing the things that Jesus has taught us and Called us to do.  
You see, you and I will Finish Strong when we use our strength, resources and intellect to help others be better people, in Christ. We Finish Strong when we reflect the superiority of Christ over every evil against God's children. We Finish Strong when we tell our family and others of Christ and we all make it to Glory!

Finishing Strong is to be content with being the LEAST in Heaven...NOT to be the best in this life!  I beg of you today, FINISH STRONG and confess Christ as your Lord and Savior, THEN TRUE GREATNESS WILL BE YOUR REWARD...oh yeah...this reward is much better than a Gold Medal AND the angels in Heaven along with the Saints in Christ, rejoices over each and every Soul that is being Saved!!

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