Jesus Speaks of the Freedom and Mystery of The Holy Spirit.
Jesus says, "The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit." (John 3:8)
Jesus has just affirmed two things about The Holy Spirit: FREEDOM and MYSTERY.
Jesus states that The Holy Spirit moves about just as freely as the wind. No religious group controls Him; No culture, race, ethnicity or society confines Him; No addiction, incarceration, affliction, educational level; monetary status, age groups or sagging pants is unreachable by Him...HALLELUJAH!!
It is His purpose to regenerate all ungodly people, even those in the church who are hypocritical and hold people to their rules and traditions vs. ushering them into a relationship with The Almighty God in Christ Jesus!
The movement of The Holy Spirit is Mysterious also like the wind. We all know that we cannot see the wind, but we can see the result of the wind in the blowing of leaves or the ripple of water when the wind blows. The same is true about The Holy Spirit, you cannot see Him, but you can see the results of His moving in the lives of those who welcomes Him in their life to be born again!
Right here I'll use that old song lyric by 'Kool Moe Dee', "How Ya Like Me Now?" You see, I may look the same as you remember me, but there is a big difference in how I live my life after being born again of The Holy Spirit. My transformation may be a big mystery to some as you can't see The Holy Spirit in me, but you can and do see the results of Him in my life, in my talk and in my walk.
Yes, to many The Holy Spirit is a mystery. To those who welcomes Him into their lives, He is a life changer and the promise of God that has been sealed in you until the day of Christ's return. We teach God the Father and God the Son, but we need to teach more on God The Holy Spirit.
Today I'll just share with you that since The Holy Spirit is described here by Jesus as both FREEDOM and a MYSTERY, then we must know that The Holy Spirit is truly Divine, because only God is utterly FREE and utterly MYSTERIOUS!
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