Thursday, February 13, 2014

Snow Day

On this snow day that has many of us at home instead of on our normal commutes to work, appointments, school or running all sorts of errands...I would invite us all to just sit and be still.

In the stillness of the moment exhale and then breathe deeply and let the normal fast paced; the daily stress filled deadlines; and the hectic/frantic planning and prioritizing of tasks be put down or filed in a folder named "TOMORROW"!

TODAY, enjoy the time at home, enjoy that warm bed that we all dread leaving each morning, sip your coffee and watch a movie or read a book to your kids or call and catch up to your parents or other family members.

Whatever you do on this snow day, please remember that IT IS A SNOW DAY!! Take it easy, relax and catch your breath!

(Please excuse the photo, I couldn't resist, it tickles me)

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