Wednesday, February 12, 2014

That was EASY

That was "EASY"

For today's Word from The Lord, I read from the Book of Wisdom. As I read, I smiled at the simplicity in regards to my potential to influence my day! Yea, it really is up to me as to how this day will play out and yea, it is a simple thing that I am required to do.

My assignment for my day is to promote peace and in doing so, I and all those who I interact with, as well as those that I engage in meetings or projects shall have joy. However, on the "B-side", if I have set in my heart to plot deceit against another, then I am promoting evil and peace will not be found in my day and joy will be impossible.

To "Plot" in and of itself is time consuming, energy draining, mentally exhausting and difficult to sustain. Hit the "EASY BUTTON" today...I just did!

Deceit is in the hearts of those who plot evil, but those who promote peace have joy. (Proverbs 12:20)

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