Wednesday, February 26, 2014

His Purpose is God's Promise!

His Purpose is God's Promise to ALL Who "Want" to BE FREE!

Let's get it straight, right here and right now...IF you want to be free from all evil; free from all devices; free from strongholds; unhealthy and unethical relationships; free from poisonous liaisons; free from habit forming-chemically, emotionally, socially, mentally or sexually debilitating and burdensome fortresses in your life, THEN turn it ALL over to Jesus!

The Word of God is clear, Jesus has come for THIS PURPOSE - to DESTROY the work of the devil, NOT to just rescue you; NOT just to deal with it; NOT just to make you feel good...NO, He came to utterly DESTROY the devil and his works in our lives!!

"The person who practices sin belongs to the devil, because the devil has been sinning since the beginning. God’s Son appeared for this purpose: to destroy the works of the devil." (1 John 3:8)

Believe in His Word today and be set free, for who the Son sets free is free indeed!! Amen.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

TRUTH is Found in the Key Words

Key Words are Words that are the Key to Unlocking Truth!!

God's Word is that Key! In the scripture that I'm about to share, reflect on the Keywords that I've capitalized for us to see. I've only capitalized the important truths that I want to get across to all of us today...again, just the keywords/ truth are capitalized.


Indeed every word is capitalized because every word is the truth and every word is the key to unlocking blessings and greatness for your day. Think about it again...

EVERYONE in The Lord is:
- Truly Happy
- Will Definitely Enjoy Your work/labor
- Again, You'll be Happy
- Things will go Well for you

...and this is only the first two verses. If you read verses 3 & 4, you will see that:
- In Your House, Your Wife will be blessed to be Fruitful; Your Children at your table will be blessed and growing strong; verse 4 simply says ANYONE who HONORS The Lord: THEY WILL BE BLESSED!

...if you read verses 5 & 6, these verses continue to speak over your life "Goodness" and that you experience this "Goodness" your whole life and they speak a blessing that in your lifetime that you live to see the wellbeing of your grandchildren!

Wow, I've got it!! I pray that you got it and will live in it today!

Truth is...God only wants to bless you, your family, your home, the works of your hands and your life!

Monday, February 24, 2014

YOU, It Really is ALL About YOU!

YOU Will Get what YOU Deserve!

We all need to look at our lives and reflect on the choices we have made. Oftentimes, we tend to accept our successes but point to others for our faults. But the Lord sees all and will deal with each one of us accordingly and you can BELIEVE that we will get what we deserve!

Only the one who sins will die. A child won’t bear a parent’s guilt, and a parent won’t bear a child’s guilt. Those who do right will be declared innocent, and the wicked will be declared guilty. (Ezekiel 18:20)

After thinking on this Post, I pray that we consider our choices and confess our sins to The Lord, ask for forgiveness and accept Jesus as our Savior, for without the Blood of Christ, there is no remission of sin....and as Lord, allowing Jesus to lead and guide you and to defend and protect you, Lording over every aspect of your life.

Yes, today is the day to no longer look over our shoulders wondering when our life choices will finally catch up to us. Today is the day to make a eternal choice to never look back, but to move forward in confidence and in faith.

Friday, February 21, 2014

True Greatness!

True Greatness!

In the Olympics, there is but one Podium with three distinct levels. The lowest level is for 3rd place and the individual who stands here receives a Bronze medal. The next level up is reserved for the individual who finished in 2nd place and their reward is a Silver medal and the top level is for the best performer overall, this individual clearly stands head and shoulders above everyone and the reward is the coveted Gold medal of excellence! However, there is no celebration for all of the competitors who were IN and COMPLETED the event.

Sadly in this life, we are taught that we must be the best of the best; we are taught that 2nd place is not good 3rd place really doesn't count...we even buy in to the phrase that "Ninety Nine and a Half Won't Do"!

So we find ourselves, comparing ourselves with one another; we find ourselves competing against one another; and we find ourselves scheming to defeat one another...just so we can be #1.

The Bible tells us that even those who were closest to Jesus were clearly not close with one another as they were positioning themselves for "Worldly Greatness" and not "ETERNAL GREATNESS" in Christ Jesus.  The Bible records for us in Luke 9:46 that "An argument started among the disciples as to which of them would be the greatest."

In the Gospel according to Matthew, Jesus once and for all puts an end to this worldly thinking about position that we are so engaged in, when He says to the Disciples and all of us reading this Post today, "Truly I tell you, among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; YET WHOEVER IS LEAST IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS GREATER THAN HE" (John the Baptist) - (Matthew 11:11)

Finishing Strong isn't about being superior, stronger, faster, richer, smarter or liked above anyone else...NO, Finishing Strong is about how you lived this life doing the things that Jesus has taught us and Called us to do.  
You see, you and I will Finish Strong when we use our strength, resources and intellect to help others be better people, in Christ. We Finish Strong when we reflect the superiority of Christ over every evil against God's children. We Finish Strong when we tell our family and others of Christ and we all make it to Glory!

Finishing Strong is to be content with being the LEAST in Heaven...NOT to be the best in this life!  I beg of you today, FINISH STRONG and confess Christ as your Lord and Savior, THEN TRUE GREATNESS WILL BE YOUR REWARD...oh yeah...this reward is much better than a Gold Medal AND the angels in Heaven along with the Saints in Christ, rejoices over each and every Soul that is being Saved!!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Go Kyle

Today, my youngest son is going for his Driver's License! My, my, my how time flies. 

He's not going to appreciate my pics of him today, but he will always be my little boy, Kyle!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Jesus Heals Y'all!

The Bible is clear to tell us that Large crowds came to Jesus, including those who were paralyzed, blind, injured, and unable to speak, and many others. They laid them at His feet, and He healed them. So the crowd was amazed when they saw those who had been unable to speak talking, and the paralyzed cured, and the injured walking, and the blind seeing. And they praised the God of Israel. (Matthew 15:22, 30-31)

This same healing is STILL going on right now when we bring our concerns to Jesus.
  • Some would say that there are no more miracles, but I would respond, have you taken it to Jesus?
  • Some would say that there is no other options left for them, but I would respond, have you taken it to Jesus?
  • Some would say that they have lost all hope for any good to come into their life, but I would respond, have you taken it to Jesus?
We must bring our cares and concerns to Jesus and He will heal them. 
  • He will heal torn relationships
  • He will heal broken families
  • He will heal those who are addicted, those afflicted, those alienated, those possessed, those obsessed and those depressed!

You see, our hurting serves as preparation for God's Healing and our sorrows provide opportunities for God's Joy to come into our lives.


Monday, February 17, 2014

Exceptional or Significant - Doesn't Matter, DO YOU!


In 1 Corinthians 15:1-9, Paul is telling the Corinthian church about the glorious resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Paul is telling the listeners of the bodily resurrection, not of a spirit that was seen, but Christ Himself in the flesh.

He is telling the story of how all of Jesus' Disciples at different times saw Christ, as did many others. He explains that Jesus was seen first of Cephas (which is Peter), then Jesus was seen by the Twelve. After that, Jesus was seen by about 500 at once, and then after that Jesus was seen by James; then of the Apostles. Then Paul says, "And LAST of all He was seen of me also, as one born out of due time. For I am THE LEAST of the Apostles..."

You see, Paul thought himself not as one of those who walked with Jesus, because he didn't. Paul felt lower because he didn't eat with Jesus, again because he didn't. Paul didn't pray with Jesus, he wasn't discipled by Jesus, he never witnessed a miracle performed by Jesus and he was never touched by Jesus! However, Paul was "CALLED" by Jesus and Paul believed in, and trusted in, and had strong faith in, the CALL that was upon his life.

He made up in his mind that no matter how hard he tried that he would never be like one of the Twelve that actually walked with Jesus. Paul couldn't do anything except to be himself and to live out the life that Jesus CALLED him to live and to minister the Gospel according to what Jesus gave him and to whom Jesus sent him to minister to!

Paul may not have had the reputation nor the prestiege of the Twelve, but Paul had an understanding of what God had for him to do, and that's exactly what Paul did...and nothing else. Paul would end up writing more New Testament Letters than any other of the Disciples combined.

I shared all of this to encourage someone this morning to STOP trying to be like everyone else; STOP comparing your CALL with that of someone else!!! JUST DO YOU!!!

I wrote this note to tell somebody...and perhaps to remind myself, that:

You don't have to be exceptional in order to be significant!!! Again, DO YOU, as one day, YOU will have to give an account on what YOU DID with what God gave you!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Snow Day

On this snow day that has many of us at home instead of on our normal commutes to work, appointments, school or running all sorts of errands...I would invite us all to just sit and be still.

In the stillness of the moment exhale and then breathe deeply and let the normal fast paced; the daily stress filled deadlines; and the hectic/frantic planning and prioritizing of tasks be put down or filed in a folder named "TOMORROW"!

TODAY, enjoy the time at home, enjoy that warm bed that we all dread leaving each morning, sip your coffee and watch a movie or read a book to your kids or call and catch up to your parents or other family members.

Whatever you do on this snow day, please remember that IT IS A SNOW DAY!! Take it easy, relax and catch your breath!

(Please excuse the photo, I couldn't resist, it tickles me)

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

That was EASY

That was "EASY"

For today's Word from The Lord, I read from the Book of Wisdom. As I read, I smiled at the simplicity in regards to my potential to influence my day! Yea, it really is up to me as to how this day will play out and yea, it is a simple thing that I am required to do.

My assignment for my day is to promote peace and in doing so, I and all those who I interact with, as well as those that I engage in meetings or projects shall have joy. However, on the "B-side", if I have set in my heart to plot deceit against another, then I am promoting evil and peace will not be found in my day and joy will be impossible.

To "Plot" in and of itself is time consuming, energy draining, mentally exhausting and difficult to sustain. Hit the "EASY BUTTON" today...I just did!

Deceit is in the hearts of those who plot evil, but those who promote peace have joy. (Proverbs 12:20)

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


You Have Been Commissioned!

To be Commissioned is to be given authority for a particular action or function.

The truth is...those who have been Saved by the Blood of Jesus have been Commissioned or have been given an order/charge to NOT go into isolation NOR to go into seclusion, but we have been commissioned to infiltrate the devil's schemes and worldly ways...ways that lead to greed, lust, envy, hatred, jealousy, adultery, deceit and ruin. Jesus has Commissioned us to expose the devil's plans to steal, kill and destroy.

Jesus wants you and I to tell His Truth to others and for you and I to cultivate relationships with the people who He has brought into our lives and these people are our family, friends, coworkers and our neighbors. He wants for us to tell our people that indeed they are His people and that He wants a relationship with them.

You and I are the cherished possession of God, protected, set apart for service, and sent to infiltrate a world in desperate need of a Savior!

Jesus prayed to His Father, "Just as You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world. And so for their sake and on their behalf I sanctify (dedicate, consecrate) Myself, that they also may be sanctified (dedicated, consecrated, made holy) in the Truth." (John 17:18-19 Amplified)

Friday, February 7, 2014

Build Your Strength and Stamina


In the sports world athletes plan their workout regimen with the end goal of FINISHING STRONG.  Their activity at first is light as they understand the importance of building stamina and strengthening themselves and not causing harm or burnout to themselves early on. In doing so, they are both physically and mentally conditioned to endure and handle the more strenuous activities that are yet still to come. They build themselves up to be prepared for the opportunity to compete; however, every athlete's goal is not to just compete, their goal and focus is to win!

You see, there is a prize for those who can remain in the contest/battle; there is a prize for those who endure the rough parts of the course; there is a prize for those who are not distracted, for those who don't attempt shortcuts or digress by cheating; there is indeed a prize for those who FINISHES STRONG...and to finish at all reflects your character and that character screams aloud of your strength and determination.

The Finish Line is just ahead, don't give up now, don't quit and don't stop striving to complete the contest because there is a prize at the end and that prize is a blessing that is for all who can endure.

Spiritually, I train my spirit and my Trainer is The Holy Spirit. I train everyday, yes slowly at first, but as I grew in strength and stamina, I was able to train longer and deeper. My goal is to hear Jesus (my Trainer) say, "Well done my good and faithful servant".

My prize/harvest will be those who I asked to train with me; those who I introduced to my Trainer; and those who I have encouraged to endure...and to ultimately cross the Finish Line AND my prize/harvest will be to witness my entire family crossing the Finish Line!

I have faith and I'm totally relying on my Trainer as there are many times when it appears insurmountable and I want to give up, but as I walk through my house and enter the bedrooms of my sleeping family, I press on because if I give up, I would lose much more than I am willing to even think about...for God has appointed me to be Priest and the Head of this family that He has given me and I shall not fail them!

So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith. (Galatians 6:9-10)

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Simply Thankful

Thankful Thursday: Today I woke up thinking on God's favor. I have laid here for an hour and I STILL don't know how to describe ALL that He has done since just this time last year...let alone how to articulate His favor in my entire life.

So, I will just say thank you Lord. You see, He searches my heart and knows my motives and intentions...He cannot be fooled. I know that when He searches my heart He will see all that I can't say "Thank You" enough for. He will see His Holy Spirit which He has sealed in me until Christ's return; He will see the love that I have for my Parents; my wife Kimberly; He will see my love for my children, my brothers and my relationships with those of you who He has divinely joined together.

I'm also thankful and confident that the "other stuff" that may be found in my heart that shouldn't be, that He will strengthen me to overcome it and rid my heart of those intentions and motives that fall short of glorifying Him. And I'm thankful "For there is no respect of persons with God." (Romans 2:11) and that all that He has done and is doing in my life, that He will also do the same in yours!

Our only reply to all of this is to say to Him THANK YOU!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Holy Spirit is Both FREE and MYSTERIOUS!

Jesus Speaks of the Freedom and Mystery of The Holy Spirit.

Jesus says, "The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit." (John 3:8)

Jesus has just affirmed two things about The Holy Spirit: FREEDOM and MYSTERY.

Jesus states that The Holy Spirit moves about just as freely as the wind. No religious group controls Him; No culture, race, ethnicity or society confines Him; No addiction, incarceration, affliction, educational level; monetary status, age groups or sagging pants is unreachable by Him...HALLELUJAH!!

It is His purpose to regenerate all ungodly people, even those in the church who are hypocritical and hold people to their rules and traditions vs. ushering them into a relationship with The Almighty God in Christ Jesus!

The movement of The Holy Spirit is Mysterious also like the wind. We all know that we cannot see the wind, but we can see the result of the wind in the blowing of leaves or the ripple of water when the wind blows. The same is true about The Holy Spirit, you cannot see Him, but you can see the results of His moving in the lives of those who welcomes Him in their life to be born again!

Right here I'll use that old song lyric by 'Kool Moe Dee', "How Ya Like Me Now?" You see, I may look the same as you remember me, but there is a big difference in how I live my life after being born again of The Holy Spirit. My transformation may be a big mystery to some as you can't see The Holy Spirit in me, but you can and do see the results of Him in my life, in my talk and in my walk.

Yes, to many The Holy Spirit is a mystery. To those who welcomes Him into their lives, He is a life changer and the promise of God that has been sealed in you until the day of Christ's return. We teach God the Father and God the Son, but we need to teach more on God The Holy Spirit.

Today I'll just share with you that since The Holy Spirit is described here by Jesus as both FREEDOM and a MYSTERY, then we must know that The Holy Spirit is truly Divine, because only God is utterly FREE and utterly MYSTERIOUS!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

We MUST be Kept by His Word

His Word will KEEP you from day to day!

It is so very important that we stay in The Word of God daily as it is extremely easy to convince ourselves that we are "alright", yet we tend to justify our lifestyles and our life choices based upon comparisons of others...and in doing so we are actually wrongfully judging others based on some criteria that we've concocted in our own minds; therefore making it absolutely impossible to live up to.

The Word of God does 3 things when we receive it's instruction for our lives. (1) The Word of God will CONVICT us of the sin that we are ignoring or refuse to address, (2) The Word of God will CONVERT our sinful ways into a life of prayer and commitment in striving to live a life of righteousness in Christ Jesus and lastly, (3) The Word of God COMFORTS us and provides us a way out of our turmoil, confusion and brings us into a right relationship with The Almighty God,

You see, our heart wants what it wants and will desire that very thing that consumes our thoughts and our actions. If you don't believe that your heart is capable of yearning for unhealthy liaisons and life debilitating things, then just talk to an addict...they are very convincing as to why they feel that there is no other options available to them accept that "thing" that their heart desires.

Read, listen and receive the Word of God today..."For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power [making it active, operative, energizing, and effective]; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal] spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature], exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12 Amplified)

Monday, February 3, 2014

Pray for The Holy Spirit

Meditation: Pray for The Holy Spirit!

It is impossible to receive the Word of God in our flesh as it will die in our flesh; however, we must receive the Word of God in our spirit, because when we receive His Word in our spirit it will live; it will thrive; and it will bring you and I an abundant life!

When the Apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had accepted the Word of God, they sent Peter and John to Samaria. When they arrived, they prayed for the new believers there that they might receive the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit had not yet come on any of them; they had simply been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. (Acts 8:14-17)