Monday, December 13, 2010


This past weekend I attended an Annual Prayer Breakfast.  I received the invitation several days before and was excited about the event.  The excitement was mainly due to the fact that my Brother in Ministry (Victor Turner) would be preaching at this Prayer Breakfast.  The place where the event would be held was a place that I had never been before, so I Googled the address so that I can enter it into my GPS (Global Positioning System), so that I may determine the distance and time that it would take me to drive from my residence.

To understand the technology behind the GPS is to know that it is useless without a signal.  The GPS receives its signal from satellites that have been strategically positioned in outer-space to send precise coordinates to the receiver (GPS).  Once this signal is received it is then displayed on the device so that it can be useful and meaningful, and so that it may accomplish the task it was created for.

Bro. Turner preached not on the technology of today, but on the power that has always been available.  He spoke about a very effective, empowering, life changing and wonderful guidance system…the GBS.  GBS is the acronym that Bro. Turner so effectively explained as our need to be “Guided By the Spirit”.

Understanding GBS is to understand that it cannot be purchased in any store, it can never become defective, and its source of power is awesome and magnificent.  The activation code to sync it up is L. O. V. E.  This love is the Love of Christ who says that “as the Father has loved Him, so He loves us.”  The reason it cannot be purchase is found in John 15:16 “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit…”  The GBS CHOSE US and wants to guide us into ALL righteousness and truth!  Hallelujah!!

My GPS was effective getting me to the place I was to go, but upon arrival, it simply said “You have reached your destination, GPS will now shut off.”  Contrast this with the GBS, which not only effectively gets you to your destination, but also equips you to be useful and a blessing at that destination…never shutting off, but continually giving off power, revelation, healing, yoke breaking words of encouragement, wisdom, knowledge and everything else useful for Kingdom building!!

When the storms of life come and the dark clouds of indecision and unbelief begin to form, your “GPS” will lose its signal…too much interference.  However, your “GBS” can never be interfered with, it is most useful in times of storms and indecision, and it speaks to our system confirming that the source of its power is enduring and eternal.

Today, I am relying on GBS!!  I would encourage you to do the same. 

Thank you, Lord for Guiding us By your Spirit!!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Inspired at a Basketball Game

John 8:56 – Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad.

The other evening I attended a basketball game for the son of a friend of mine. She began telling me how she was blessed with the sermon that she had heard on the previous Sunday on faith. The Scripture lesson was from Genesis 22 “God tests Abraham”.

The strategy for winning is found in our Worship!
So, as she talked, I listened. Then I shared with her the portion of this passage that spoke to me about faith, that although Abraham was told to take his son and offer him as a burnt offering unto the Lord, Abraham instructed his servants “Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there.  We will WORSHIP and then we will come back to you.” (Gen. 22:5)

We are told in this story that Abraham and Isaac gathered what they needed and they went both of them together. The altar is constructed and Isaac is bound and placed on the altar. Abraham then takes his knife and stretches forth his hand to slay his son. The angel of the Lord called out of heaven and said “Abraham lay not your hand upon the lad, neither do any thing to him for now I know that you fear God, seeing that you did not withhold your son, your only son from me. Abraham lifted his eyes, and looked, and behold behind him a ram caught in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered him up for a burnt offering instead of his son.”

Here it is: Although the conversation surrounded the passages in Genesis 22, I was led to John 8:56, which now has new meaning to me.

Abraham was released from having to sacrifice his son, he indeed rejoiced when he looked in the thicket and saw the ram – a shadow of what was to come…the Lamb of God. It began with faith which led to worship, and that with worship, there is release and with release there is rejoicing!

Worship Him, no matter the situation….after Abraham worshipped and he and Isaac began to walk up one side of the mountain, the blessing was already on its way up the other side of the mountain.

He did it for Abraham and He’ll do it for you.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Confusing Signs

NOW, something about this is just WRONG!  Have you ever felt that the instruction that you received doesn’t lineup with the direction that you are meant to travel?
The sign is confusing but the instruction is correct!  The sign says to go left, but the instruction is to keep right!  Isn’t this how it is for those who are worldly minded?
The world has plenty of “signs” pointing us in the wrong direction.  These signs act upon the three areas of life that is truly the basis of ALL SIN:  as written in 1 John 2:16 “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.”  We are drawn by the attractiveness of worldly things, we are seduced by the temporal elegance of the flesh and we are ensnared by our need to be popular in the world.
However, the Word of God instructs and informs us that we are to clothe ourselves with humility toward one another, because, God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.  Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time.  If there’s anything that we are struggling with that we are to cast all of our anxiety on Him because he cares for us.  Don’t cast your anxiety on drugs; alcohol or unhealthy relationships… these will definitely lead you in the wrong direction and FAST!   We need to be self-controlled and alert, sober and not drunk!
Yes, stay alert!  If the “sign” that you are shown doesn’t match the instruction that has been given…DON’T FOLLOW. 
The true sign with the correct instruction is Jesus, the Christ, who simply says “Follow Me”.  Will you follow Him today?
The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him (Nahum 1:7)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Leading by Example, NOT Words!

Paula White - Congratulations,You Did It!

I take great pride and pleasure in sharing this post with everyone.  I am delighted in knowing someone who after already raised a family and has become established professionally and who continually strives to be the ultimate partner and helper to her husband… decided to do something that was for her!
It’s alright to be all of these things, but what is also important is our own sense of accomplishment and self-worth.  It is important to not only dream, but also to carry out that dream to fruition.
As parents, we constantly speak to our children the importance of not just having goals, but to have a means to achieve their goals.  We tell them to not give up and that if you want it bad enough it will happen.  We spend a tremendous amount of time speaking to them about follow-through, determination, about being contributing individuals to society and not to be a problem in society.  We “TALK” a lot and our intentions are admirable!
However, we all must understand that the best example that we can show our children is the example of DOING.  We can say a whole lot, but what we actually do, what our children actually see is of the utmost importance.  They need to see us achieving, they need to see the work that we are putting into something, they need to see the elation that we express upon a successful completion of a task, they need to see the steadfastness that we show when the goal appears to be unachievable, they need to see the tenacity that we apply to the accomplishment of our tasks….THIS is what is remembered, THIS is what forms the inner-thoughts of our children and/or those who are watching us in action! 
It’s easy to say that we want to finish something, but it is entirely another thing to actually go out and do the work that is required to finish!
My Sister In-law did exactly that!  Without bells, whistles or huge fanfare…she quietly, meticulously and methodically went about the process of achieving her goal of obtaining her Degree.  In the wake of her determination, lives were changed, perspectives where gained and success was accomplished.
Paula has single-handedly set a precedent for the rest of the family and already her youngest is enrolled in college and my son WILL BE NEXT!!
THANKS AUNT PAULA!  We applaud and appreciate YOU!

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Goodness of Life in Christ

“The Goodness of life in Christ goes much deeper than fun!”  I received this text message from a friend of mine last Friday.  When I received it, I just skimmed over it and said that was nice.  However, unknowingly, this message would be a prologue to the weekend.  Let me explain.
My niece, Alicia, is a freshman this year at Frostburg State University and has been away now for nearly 2 months.  Although her time away would seem short, the time away from family, those who truly love and adore Alicia seemed much, much longer.
Well, the weekend of the Columbus Day holiday was Frostburg’s Family and Friends Day.  The family had been planning to make the trip to see Alicia for a over a month; making Hotel reservations, signing up for events at the college, cooking all of her favorite food items from various family members and wrapping up loose ends here in the local area prior to traveling to the University.  We strategically made all of this preparation and planning well in advance so that we could and would have “fun” during our visit.
The drive could be labeled as uneventful, meaning no traffic jams, no weather difficulties and no mechanical issues with the vehicles.  However, I would change that label and say that the drive was spectacular!  I say this because the coolness of the morning air, the brightness and warmth of the sun shining above and the colors of autumn surrounding us as we drove through the mountains were indeed spectacular.  Yeah, everything during our trip to Frostburg was “fun”.

Rocky Gap State Park, Flintsone MD

Our first order of business before seeing Alicia was to check-in to our Hotel.  We approached the exit for the Hotel and began to notice how beautiful it was…I mean EVERYTHING appeared to be as if on a cover of a magazine!  The golf course straddled both sides of the street leading to the hotel.  Nature trails, a crystal like man-made lake surrounded the property and the Hotel itself was simply stunning!  Upon entering, we approached the desk, gave our name and were informed that everything was in order. Yeah, as planned, the “fun” was becoming a reality!
My brother came and met us in the lobby (he and his wife, Paula, arrived the night prior) and helped us to our room and then led us to the dining room where we had breakfast.  The anticipation was great for everyone; hurry up and eat so that we can get to the college.  We were all checking our watches and reviewing the schedule of events for that day at Frostburg…anxious for the “fun” stuff that the college students and faculty had prepared for the families that would be visiting.
When we pulled into the parking lot of the apartments where my niece was residing, before we can even park the car, we could hear the “Hellos” from her and her roommates!  You see, they had been waiting to see us as much as we’ve been waiting to see them!

My niece Alicia, walking IN answered prayer

Alicia (left) was the ultimate tour guide and host!  She showed us around “her” school with great pride.  We visited all her places of study, dining and Java City, her favorite place to be!  She took us to the campus bookstore and bought everyone a little something to take back with them to represent Frostburg. Yes, the “fun” was being enjoyed!
It wasn’t until later on that evening when Ken and I were sitting out on the dock that extended out into the lake, after the “fun” of the day had come to an end, that it hit me.  As I looked at my brother, I began to not only see, but to understand and be reminded once again of “The Goodness of life in Christ” and that it indeed is much more than just “fun”.  I saw in Ken: Confidence not worry or anxiety about neither financial concerns nor health concerns for Alicia, I saw Calmness in his personality not turmoil, and I saw Assurance instead of conflicting thoughts as to the well-being of his daughter and the distance that now separates them.  He was at peace and in a place of Thanksgiving…he was LIVING and THRIVING in “The Goodness of life in Christ”!
We know that true life, not just existence, is found in Christ Jesus.  We know that He has given us life and life more abundantly, we know that He gives us joy that surpasses all understanding, we know that He gives us His peace…we know these things.  However, it is not every day that we live IN IT; we oftentimes just live it without acknowledging His Goodness.
Let’s look back with our spiritual eyes…Because He loves us, He went ahead of us to make all things perfect.  The drive was perfect, the weather was perfect, the accommodations were perfect, the activities at the school was perfect, Alicia was in perfect health and doing well academically as well as socially…everything was ABSOLUTELY PERFECT!  You see, when you look back, you begin to realize that it wasn’t ABOUT us and who we are…it was FOR us because of whose we are!  We did not only prepare and make arrangements; we prayed that the day would be “fun”.  He went beyond “fun” and blessed EVERYTHING about the trip!!!
Life in Christ is so much more than just fun, it’s deeper than fun, it is eternal and not temporal, it is beyond our imagination and our comprehension; and because we are His children, He gives us grace when we don’t acknowledge His goodness and when we overlook His provisions and protection.
I couldn’t even begin to label this weekend as “fun”.  However, I do label it as a blessing and I do say that “The Goodness of life in Christ is AWESOME…everything about the life in Christ is AWESOME…every aspect of living your life in Christ is AWESOME!!!”
If you want to have “fun”, schedule a trip to an amusement park.  You may or may not have fun on that particular day, it may or may not rain, the park may or may not be open…BUT, THE GOODNESS OF LIFE IN CHRIST GOES SO MUCH FURTHER than “fun”, it is available to all of us, every single day of our life…and beyond!
Just like the proud parents who wanted to ensure that everything about their daughter's experience in college and being away from home was perfect…Our Heavenly Father makes certain that everything that concerns His children, He will perfect it!
Many thanks to my friend Teddy Foote, for sending me this text message and ultimately, this reminder!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Intentional Fellowship

COMPLETE Don’t COMPETE - Intentional Fellowship
Over the past several months, several of us have become intimate with the knowledge and behind the scene intricacies of what is involved in bringing together two churches…one predominately Black and the other White.
Beyond the obvious differences of race, culture, ethnicity, customs, etc. there is also the overwhelming need to make one another not only “feel”,  but really for everyone to “BE”:  equally important, equally represented, equally productive, equally challenged, equally celebrated and equally loved.
We get so spun up trying to achieve all of this that we tend to go on stress overload.  It is extremely hard to work tirelessly, just to keep everyone’s personal agenda, well… PERSONAL!  Let’s get this right, the “agenda” is God’s Agenda, not our agendas; our personalities can easily disturb and delay the outcome of what God is doing among us.
Last night during one of our meetings, one of the members of our committee, said something that stuck with me all day.  He said “We need to be Intentional in our Fellowship”.  OK, I know that this is nothing new, but the timing was perfect!
Oftentimes the simple solution is overlooked because of the apparent obstacles that “seem” to be in our way.  They are obstacles because we don’t see God in the solution.  What we do see is: our wants, our desires, our traditions, our customs and our preferences.  No wonder things tend to get difficult really fast!
The word INTENTIONAL, means designed; done with purpose…intentional, not accidental.
The word FELLOWSHIP, means companionship, mutual, equal, partnership, familiar…to be on friendly terms, to commune with one another
People of God, it is not by accident that God has brought us together; this coming together as a community of faith has been done for a purpose, and together, in equal partnership, having mutual respect and striving to build together on friendly terms…this fellowship will flourish, prosper and become a MIRACULOUS witness in our local community!
I ask this question…”Is there anything too hard for the Lord?” 
Look at the picture.  This picture speaks volumes about “INTENTIONAL FELLOWSHIP”.  Here we see celebration, here we see support, and here we see partnership, equality and respect! 
May we all follow the example set forth in this picture; cheering one another on to victory! 
There is absolutely NOTHING too hard for God!  The promise that God has given us as a community of worshippers; the devil can’t steal it from us!  This is our season of blessing, our season of increase…I DECLARE IT…THERE IS NOTHING TOO HARD FOR GOD!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Thanks for the Reminder!

The other day, my daughter Kaelyn (4yrs old) and I had a day to ourselves.  Both of the boys were off to school and my wife was out at work.  Anyway, we got up early, had a little something to eat (coffee for me) and we started to plan our day.   I started throwing ideas her way: “Hey, let’s go to McDonald’s Play Land”, “How about Chuckie Cheese”, “Let’s go to the Park – never mind, it’s raining”. 
These were all my ideas.  My thought was to get her out of the house on this very rainy day so that she may have some excitement, something to do…to rip and run like 4yr olds are suppose too; heck what kid wants to stay trapped up in a house with her father all day?
 Well, her thoughts were different than mine.  Her idea of a fun day with “Dad” was just that…a day with “Dad”.  She said “Wait here, I’ll be right back…OK?”  Then she went to her room and came back to where I was carrying her Dora the Explorer Back-Pack and it looked STUFFED!!
We sat down and opened her pack to see what was inside.  There were clothes, hair pieces, her toy cell phone, her grocery list and markers and crayons.  She said, “OK, what do you want to do?”  I told her that I would like to color.  Coloring was painless, no running, singing or playing Ms Mary Mack/dressing dolls.  Yeah, let’s color!
As we began coloring, her instruction to me was “Don’t worry Dad if you go outside of the lines…it’s OK”.  I said thanks and asked her what color I should use on the object that I was coloring.  Her response was “It doesn’t matter, whatever you want it to be…alright Dad?”  Man, I was having a blast, just her and I. 
Then I began to realize how special this moment really was…not only for her but for me!  How precious, of all of the choices on things to do and places to go, her delight was to spend time with me…her Dad.  And not just to spend time, but to spend “special” time with me, time where all of the rules and expectations were not relevant (any color, it doesn’t matter if you go outside of the lines).  She honestly didn’t want anything from me but my time and attention!
She pulled out a composition book and started to write all of the words that she knew.  Words like “IT”, “THE”, “DOG”, etc...  She said “Dad, spell your name”.  I did exactly what she asked…”K…E….I…T….H”.  She said “What’s that spell?”  I said that it spelled my name.  She said “No Dad, spell your REAL NAME.”  I told her that I did spell my REAL NAME.  Her response back to me was, “No, YOUR NAME IS DAD, and my name is Kaelyn.”
She began to write a story about me of all that she can recall that I am to her…”My Dad is BIG, My Dad gives me presents, My Dad is strong and carries me to bed at night, My Dad isn’t scared of the dark, etc… It warmed my heart, this exchange of ours. 
You see, I reflected on this special moment and looked at my relationship with my Heavenly Father.  How the time I spend with Him is important to Him and how I affectionately call upon His name as “Father”.  It made me realize even more so, that when I spend time with Him that it is indeed TIME SPENT WITH HIM!  I often find myself coming to Him with a list of things that I want.  Am I truly spending time with Him or simply coming to Him with a list of demands?
Kaelyn made the words of David (below) a living word for me.  I already knew that “My Father” could do anything, that He wasn’t afraid of the dark, that He gives me every good thing….I needed to be reminded that when I spend time…REAL TIME with “my Father” that nothing else matters. 
When I spend time with “My Father” there is joy, peace and love.  I am compelled to tell of His goodness and mercy towards those who call upon His name!
The Psalmist writes it this way:
“Blessed are you who give yourselves over to GOD, turn your backs on the world's "sure thing," ignore what the world worships; the world's a huge stockpile of GOD-wonders and God-thoughts. Nothing and no one comes close to you! I start talking about you, telling what I know, and quickly run out of words. Neither numbers nor words account for you.  Doing something for you, bringing something to you-- that's not what you're after. Being religious, acting pious-- that's not what you're asking for. You've opened my ears so I can listen.  So I answered, "I'm coming. I read in your letter what you wrote about me, And I'm coming to the party you're throwing for me." That's when God's Word entered my life, became part of my very being.   I've preached you to the whole congregation, I've kept back nothing, GOD--you know that.   I didn't keep the news of your ways a secret, didn't keep it to myself. I told it all, how dependable you are, how thorough. I didn't hold back pieces of love and truth for myself alone. I told it all, let the congregation know the whole story.  (Psalm 40:4-10 The Message)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Hey, It’s OK to Look and Act like a Teenager

Life is pretty tough at times, isn’t it?  There’s pressure on every side to conform to what the world around you wants rather than to what God wants.  There’s pressure to wear the “right” thing, “act” the right way, go to the “right” places.  Life is not easy.  Hebrews 4:15 says “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are – yet was without sin.”  Again, this verse says Jesus “has been tempted in every way, just as we are.” 
YEAH. SURE, you may say…He didn’t have to live in my day, go to my school or be accepted by my friends.  How could He even begin to know what it’s like?  Because Jesus, being all God, became human by taking on flesh, He allowed himself to be JUST LIKE US.  He felt loneliness, He felt abandonment, He felt betrayed, He felt unaccepted, He felt disappointment and heartbreak…He felt DIFFERENT!  He was also at one time a Teenager, just like you.  He felt every pressure and temptation that you feel.  That’s why you can bring everything to Him.  He does know what you’re going through.  And He cares!
You say “But, I’m too young, I have things I want to do in life, being a Christian is too stuffy and regimented…”  How are you different from kids who aren’t Christians?  No, I know you don’t have a third eye or six toes on each foot.  And no one expects you to dress like your Dad/Granddad.  Hey, it’s OK to wear your team jerseys, it’s OK to wear Hollister, Aeropostal, Vans and ball caps…Hey it’s OK to look and act like a teenager!  However, YOU ARE EXPECTED TO BE DIFFERENT!
Scripture tells us “NOW you are the people of God” (1 Peter 2:10).  The NOW represents change, newness, an indication that in times past, before the “NOW”, you were NOT the people of God and you were subject to the rule and authority of this world.  But, “NOW” you are no longer subject to the rule and authority of this world, BUT you are “NOW” – “a CHOSEN people, a ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, a HOLY NATION, a people BELONGING to God, that YOU may declare the praises of Him who called YOU out of darkness into His Marvelous Light.” (1 Peter 2:9)  Get it?  YOU BELONG TO GOD!
Being “Different” as a Christian means making sure that EVERYTHING you do reflects in a positive manner on God. 
Be a teen:  Be a teen that is kind.  Be a teen that is thoughtful towards others.  Be a teen that is honest.  Be a teen that is trustworthy.  Be a teen that has integrity.  Be a teen using words:  to edify, to equip, to help and to encourage…not to put down or to shame. 
Be a teen that can say “NO” because you’ve already said “YES” to Christ!
BE GOD’S TEEN, the very best person you can be!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Hearing God...Here?

This Monday morning was typical of every other Monday morning until… 

Let me start from the beginning.  As many of you are aware, Monday mornings are mornings that are filled with conversations concerning the previous weekend’s events, sports scores, triumphs and gatherings.

Well, this Monday started out much the same as every other Monday preceding this one, except the story that was shared today was one of revelation.  Here’s how it went: “Keith, are you busy, can I tell you about my weekend?” “Sure, I said, have at it!”  “I was bored this weekend and was discussing with a friend during a chat session on our computers, that, here it is, the weekend, and we are both logged on to Facebook… I do this way too often”.  The friend replies “Let’s go out…let’s hit a club and have a few drinks and perhaps you can get your “dance on”.  Being that my friend loves to dance, they hit the club/bar. 

Upon arrival, there was something different.  Being a [self-proclaimed] “great dancer” (my personal jab at my friend, hahaha), my friend found it odd that the urge to dance was not felt on this particular evening (not that there is anything wrong with dancing). 

As my friend sat at the bar, God began to speak!  Over the noise of the bar, over the loud music and even over the voice that would plead with my friend to ignore what was happening…God Spoke!  God spoke so vividly and so precise these words…”YOU ARE BLESSED”.

God not only spoke but He revealed to my friend, as if watching a movie, the many times that He had been there, the blessings that He had provided, the love that He has given and His constant presence and confirmation of His promise that He would never leave us nor forsake us…He never withdrew Himself…even when things were done/said that were not according to His Will.

My friend couldn’t wait to come in this morning to speak of what God has spoken to them.  It wasn’t the typical game scores, nor of the conquests on the dance floor, but… that God spoke in a place where they would least expect to hear God! 

Think about it, my friend has had God on their mind ALL WEEKEND!  My friend came to work this morning with their mind on Jesus!  My friend came to talk to others and to tell about the time that God reaffirmed His love for them! 

If God can bless in a nightclub, He can indeed bless us anywhere and at anytime!  HALLELUJAH!!!

When God speaks, there is nothing that can interrupt what He has to say…NOTHING!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Children's Ministry - Top Priority!

I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven.  So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.  "And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on My behalf is welcoming Me.  

But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in Me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.  

"What sorrow awaits the world, because it tempts people to sin. Temptations are inevitable, but what sorrow awaits the person who does the tempting.

- Jesus, Matthew 18:3-7

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Controlled by Time?

Have you ever noticed how we are continually manipulated by time?  Time dictates when we wake up, when we are to eat and when we are to go to sleep.  We keep time devices on our nightstands, in our pockets and on our wrists.  We can find timekeeping devices embedded in our cars, microwaves, refrigerators, ovens, computers, stereos and telephones (landlines and cell phones).

With all of this attention on time, to be on time, to complete on time…no wonder we’re stressed out!  We have too much and so much to account for , so much and too much to deliver and so many and too many places to be…on time!

I remember a few years ago having lunch at Union Station here in Washington D.C.  I was sitting in a restaurant that overlooked the main concourse of the station.  It is very picturesque and very striking to behold all of the artistry that is a part of Union Station.  As I sat there, I couldn’t help but notice all of the doors/entrances and exits that seem to surround this main concourse.  We were literally in the middle of the Station! 

I started to think, where are all of these people headed and why does it seem that they are all in a hurry?  I saw people walking fast, some were running while others were obviously upset because of running late (my assumption).  What were they late for?  What were their hopes and dreams?  What appointment will now be missed because of missed connections at the station? What was it in their mind that they now felt was delayed?  Where is their final destination to be?

While these things are stress factors for most of us, the CLOCK continues to tic and tic and tic….  Time never stops, therefore we never stop!  We never stop to pay attention to the important things in life, we never stop to take in the beauty; the picturesque view of what God has created!   We never stop to say thanks!  With all of this perpetual motion, when and how do we find rest?  How are we to relieve the stress and the conditions that cause stress in our lives?

Isaiah relates God’s Word as given to him by saying “For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: In returning to Me and resting in Me you shall be saved; in quietness and in [trusting] confidence shall be your strength…” Isaiah 30:15

If you have found yourself busy with the things of life and life has been stressing you out, return back to the one who can give you Peace, to the one who can give you Comfort, to the one who can restore your Joy!  This is one connection that we all MUST make…don’t miss it!!

Return and re-establish your relationship with Jesus, the Christ!  He says “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

The Time is NOW, tomorrow is not guaranteed…to any of us!

Friday, September 10, 2010


Our Fuel Gauge/Fuel Warning Light say EMPTY But That Isn't the Case!

“… For the Emptiers have emptied them out…” (Nahum 2:2b)

OK, it appears as if we’ve all got that one person, that one thing, that one thorn in the side that seems to be RELENTLESS at stealing your joy, stealing your ambition, stealing your confidence! We ponder, we speculate that perhaps it’s us and we look for mistakes or misspoken words that we may have uttered, we look for misunderstandings and we look for reasons. However, please know that there are forces that are assigned to keep you off balance, to keep you in a state of confusion, to keep you from the abundant living that has been promised to you in Christ. The enemy has assigned his forces to do just as he does…to Kill, Steal and Destroy.

Oftentimes, the attack will seem to come from those closest to you…family and friends and even co-workers! Sometimes the family and friends you love most can contaminate the pureness of the Word God gave you on Holy ground. They have known you from birth, and they often become the “hometown naysayers” who doubt your ability to do a supernatural task at God’s command.

However, Ephesians 6:12 warns us that “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. “.

Jesus says “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.

So, instead of feeling empty, depressed, joyless…Celebrate God all day, every day. I mean, revel in him! Make it as clear as you can to all you meet that you're on their side, working with them and not against them. Help them see that the Master is about to arrive. He could show up any minute! Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life. Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious--the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies. (Philippians 4:4-9 The Message Bible)

Declare TODAY that I am no longer empty, but I’M FULL OF HIS LOVE!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Good Morning!

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. (John 1:1-5)

What a wonderful representation of what God has done and is doing in the lives of His people. This occurs every day…the sun rises! Each day we ought to slow down enough to take in the awesomeness of God, how He has created newness for each of us, how He has brought us out of the darkness, how He has shed light upon our future, how He continues to raise the Son in our lives each and every day.

The word “Morning” means the first or early period of “anything”. When we say “Good Morning” we are signifying that the first shall be “Good”. Therefore, if we begin our day with He who is the Bright and “Morning” Star or He who is the “first” He will shine so brightly in you and your day that it could be nothing but “Good”.

Anything that is dark is counterfeit, masked, concealed. Do away with dark thoughts; Do away with dark knowledge; Do away with dark deeds! STEP INTO THE LIGHT, HIS MARVELOUS LIGHT!!!

“In Him is Life and that Life is the Light of men!”

When we greet one another today with a “Good Morning”, think about why it is so good. It is because Christ has come to free us from the grip of darkness, to light the pathway so that we may no longer stumble, He has come to give us Hope, Peace, Love and Joy!


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Made Up Mind

A few weeks ago my wife decided to take the Training Wheels off of my daughter’s bike. Training Wheels are designed to add stability to the bicycle for young and inexperienced riders. They provide the familiarity of riding all the while safeguarding the rider from taking a fall. This familiarity of riding last only for a little while, when all of a sudden the rider notices something different about the bike that they are riding and the bike that a more skilled rider is actually riding. You see, Training Wheels, although useful during the season that they are needed, does have limitations. You can’t go as far or as fast with Training Wheels, you can’t ride everywhere and anywhere you want on Training Wheels, uneven ground causes those of us who are still using our Training Wheels to spin our wheels without actually moving (Training Wheels are stuck and the actual tire is just rotating gaining no ground).

Spiritually, some of us are still on our Training Wheels. We have become comfortable riding in circles on the driveway, never venturing out to see that there is so much more out there for us. Not knowing how awesome we are as God’s created wonder! We’ve placed boundaries where there should be no boundaries and we’ve placed limits where there are to be no limitations.

People of God, we must have a Made Up Mind that we can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens us, that we can stop moving in circles not going anywhere, not gaining any ground, not maturing, not growing into what God has called us to be! We have to come into the knowledge and understanding that obstacles are simply opportunities for God to display His awesomeness in our lives.

We need to have Made Up Minds to overcome our dependence (Training Wheels) on drugs, alcohol, preoccupation of others opinions and acceptance, and arrogance. Let’s move out of our driveways to announce the goodness of God and the Salvation that is ours through and in Jesus, The Christ!

Just yesterday, my daughter made up her mind that on this particular day, she was going to ride her bike like a big girl. She has now discovered that not only can she do what she once thought was undoable, but now she is realizing that there is so much more ground to cover outside of her driveway! Look Dad, I’m not going in circles anymore! The road that she is now riding on has no limitations but unlimited possibilities!

But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded – 2 Chronicles 15:7

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Life Lessons

This past Labor Day Weekend of 2010, I planned a trip back to my hometown in Pennsylvania for a Golf Outing with my Class of ’84 Classmates. During this planning, I decided that I would take my boys with me and just have a “guys” weekend…it would do them good to take a trip as we’ve not traveled on vacation this year. Keith Jr has started his senior year in High School and I especially wanted to make a little time with him to bond even more as he is on the verge of manhood.

Once we arrived, we were blessed to be surrounded by lifelong friends. Almost immediately, the stories of old were being shared. I must add that most of those stories, although great, were often very, very over-the-top… sports accolades and accomplishments were told about me to my boys. I could see the sparkle in their eyes as they heard one thing after another concerning their Dad. They were excited and proud of their birth name “White” as this was how everyone yelled out to me while visiting “Hey White, it’s been a long time…”, “Hey White, remember when you…” – being called simply “White” had its purpose…being a twin, they wouldn’t confuse me for Ken and vice versa.

The life lesson taken from this visit wasn’t even given by me, it was given by Ken. He and Keith Jr were talking during our visit and Ken asked him “Well, what do you think? How do you think of your Dad now?” Keith answered “Everybody knows my Dad! I would like to live here” Ken answered my son “Your Dad made a name for him here and is well respected. In order for you to do/be the same, you will have to make your own name and gain your own respect. The respect that you are looking for is earned.”

As Keith Jr was sharing this lesson with me on the way home, we passed Frostburg State University…the college that Ken’s youngest daughter is attending as a freshman. Keith Jr. said “Dad, that’s my school.” I do believe that he is going to work hard to get into school, to contribute positively to society and to earn his respect!

My moniker on this website is “The Same but Different” and that is what took place in the mind of my son. Because of this trip and wise council and having an open mind, Keith Jr. has renewed passion to become all that he can, to be respected and to be an example to others! I’ve taken notice of my son…he’s “The Same but Different”!

Why don’t we all follow the example of Uncle Kenny and take the opportunity to speak positive life lessons into those we love so as to make a difference in the life of another!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Saved or Safe?

How would you, the church, describe your “Redeemed Life” in Christ? Are you living a Saved life or a Safe life? In not so many words, this very question was presented during a Bible Study. So I pose it again here.

What does it mean to be the church? Has Salvation become a status, a position, or even a condition that we have become self-satisfied and content in -- SAFE?

There is nothing that indicates that the church should be inactive and complacent, but have we become just that?

Christ’s example to us was in His coming from heaven to earth (from the church to the streets) to pull us up and out of the mock and mire of this world. To clean us up and set our feet on solid ground.

Picture Christ in a deep gorge of filth, grime, dirt - - sin! He is there chest deep in the mess reaching down to pull us out, calling our names, rescuing us from what seems to us a hopeless situation. Although he is chest deep, there is no sin in Him. He is not infected by the sin of this world.

When we are touched by Christ and repent from our sins and receive His forgiveness, He SAVES us…in other words he inoculates us. We are then called to go out and to get into the mock and mire with Him to pull out our brothers and sisters. We need to rid ourselves from the fear of becoming infected, congregating among those who look like and act like we do…living SAFE. We have received the vaccine, and we have been healed and covered with the perfect Blood of Jesus!

So be encouraged, you have been vaccinated and you will not become infected again. Stop living the SAFE life. Christ says “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it.” Turn back and lend a hand to someone in need and in order to extend your hand, we must be where we can reach them. We can’t reach them in the safety of our church buildings when they are in the streets and back-alley ways. We must go where they are. Christ left His place of worship to come to us…

The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth laborers into his harvest.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Witnessing...The First Thing!

For those in your family….

John 1:40-42 says that “one of the two who heard…followed Jesus. The first thing he did was to find his brother and tell him. We have found the Messiah (that is, the Christ). And he brought him to Jesus.” Birthdays, Valentine’s Day, Anniversaries, and Christmas are some of the occasions along with many others that we search for the perfect gift to give those that are close to us. There is no greater gift than the gift of Salvation. Jesus told the disciples that “you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). In other words, witness where you currently are (home) then spread out to the neighborhood, then to the city, then to the county, then to the state, then to the outer regions of all of the earth. Are we witnessing in our homes and in our families? Are we witnessing to our neighbors or neighborhood? If not, why not? What hinders us? Is it that we feel that we would lose our relationship with loved ones; perhaps our neighbors would label us fanatics. The truth is that if we are afraid to lose someone we need to realize that if we withhold the gift of Salvation, they are already lost.

Pay close attention to the photo. Although we have a lot of things in common (age, looks, background, etc) there was one very important is alive and is living an abundant life in Christ, the other was not. Can you tell which one?

On the outside, we all look OK, but on the inside we can be dead. We have to ask the question to those we encounter "Do you know Jesus the Christ for yourself?”, and if not, to introduce them to Jesus as Lord and Savior.


O Lord, you have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from far away. Ps. 139:1-2

We hide parts of ourselves, certain feelings and thoughts - from God, ourselves, and others. To be whole, we need to express our true selves before God! He already knows but He requires our trust in Him...that He will work it out, that it will look like the vision already shown you, that you will have peace and rest and be rewarded for your labor! He loves you and will bring you rest!

Let go and let God! Worry no more of this thing that is making you restless...God is already speaking over it...IT IS FINISHED!!