Friday, September 3, 2010

Saved or Safe?

How would you, the church, describe your “Redeemed Life” in Christ? Are you living a Saved life or a Safe life? In not so many words, this very question was presented during a Bible Study. So I pose it again here.

What does it mean to be the church? Has Salvation become a status, a position, or even a condition that we have become self-satisfied and content in -- SAFE?

There is nothing that indicates that the church should be inactive and complacent, but have we become just that?

Christ’s example to us was in His coming from heaven to earth (from the church to the streets) to pull us up and out of the mock and mire of this world. To clean us up and set our feet on solid ground.

Picture Christ in a deep gorge of filth, grime, dirt - - sin! He is there chest deep in the mess reaching down to pull us out, calling our names, rescuing us from what seems to us a hopeless situation. Although he is chest deep, there is no sin in Him. He is not infected by the sin of this world.

When we are touched by Christ and repent from our sins and receive His forgiveness, He SAVES us…in other words he inoculates us. We are then called to go out and to get into the mock and mire with Him to pull out our brothers and sisters. We need to rid ourselves from the fear of becoming infected, congregating among those who look like and act like we do…living SAFE. We have received the vaccine, and we have been healed and covered with the perfect Blood of Jesus!

So be encouraged, you have been vaccinated and you will not become infected again. Stop living the SAFE life. Christ says “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it.” Turn back and lend a hand to someone in need and in order to extend your hand, we must be where we can reach them. We can’t reach them in the safety of our church buildings when they are in the streets and back-alley ways. We must go where they are. Christ left His place of worship to come to us…

The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth laborers into his harvest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen. There is a lot of work to be done and not much time. EVERYONE has to do their share. Better to be SAVED than sorry.
