Thursday, May 28, 2015

JUST ENOUGH for The Journey - Walk Worthy

"That you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God" (Colossians 1:10 NKJV)

It is time that we organize our life in such a way that we may not only survive each day, but that we may truly live each day according to God's Word.  We struggle and stress then stress and struggle only because we have let worldviews and worldly things clutter our minds and preoccupy the works of our hands.

God is speaking to us this morning in the 10th verse of Colossians saying that we need to take a pause, reevaluate our lives and then begin to walk worthy of who we are in Him. Our days should be fruitful, not only for us but also for those around us. Our days should be filled with the knowledge of who has showered us with grace, gifts, love, peace, power, energy, intelligence and the very breath of life that sustains us 84,600 seconds each day without us having to ask!

May we change our walking status and walk and live in such a way that our steps are ordered by The Lord and not by the demand of this world. Doing so is pleasing to The Lord and beneficial to you as well as to others.

I pray that as we walk through our day that we grasp the knowledge of The One who causes us to walk and then calls us to walk worthy of His pleasure and that we don't walk in such a way that we discredit ourselves and bring displeasure to God. Amen.

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