Thursday, May 7, 2015

Coffee with The Pastor - Submission

So, let's be real about this, people really hate the word "submit". Continuing to be real, we must also know that we are all, at one point or another, going to submit to something. We are all actively submitting to someTHING, either a system of thinking, and addiction,  a goal, a vision, an authority, or a person.

The truth of grace is that we can choose to submit to God whose goal is to forgive us and to make our lives better. When you find a God like that, submission can actually become a joy and not a burden.

We find forgiveness and freedom by submitting ourselves to a God who shows grace at levels we simply cannot comprehend.

"Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." (James 4:7a NIV)

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