Wednesday, May 27, 2015

JUST ENOUGH for The Journey - Everlasting Love

"I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you." (Jeremiah 31:3 ESV)

Guess what? You are not the only person that has made a mistake, messed up, fallen down or have shown disrespect or have been disgraced. We have all done it!

I understand that right now it may be difficult to find comfort in the fact that we all have fallen short of the glory of God, as it is oftentimes extremely difficult under present frowns to take comfort from former smiles; yet we must understand that it is the happiness of those who through grace, discover the love of God and know for themselves that God’s love is an everlasting love.

Jeremiah lets us see God’s patience with His people in the Old Testament and reminds us that God has always been and continues to be merciful. It is through the eyes and heart of this Prophet that we understand that God's chosen people routinely ignored the covenant they made with Him (they made mistakes, messed up, fallen down, shown disrespect or had been disgraced). This should give us hope in our own struggles with living well for God. Although we fail Him, He is patient with us, working in us to bring about the best for our lives.

When we hit rock bottom and struggles and difficulties appear, it is good to remember that there have been others before you...YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE.

God assures His people that He will again take them into covenant relation to Himself..."I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you."

God has promised to continue His faithfulness to you; God's love was not just for yesterday, but for today and and for all of your tomorrows - it is an everlasting love.

Today is a good day to rise up; Today is a good day to stand tall again; and Today is a good day to lift your eyes, your heart and your faith to God. Will you follow Him?

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