One of the most difficult things to understand about our relationship with The Lord is forgiveness. I'm not talking about our knowledge, awareness or feelings about it. I'm talking about our acceptance of forgiveness.
First, we need to know that forgiveness is a gift. Unlike most gifts, this one doesn't require you to unwrap it; nor are you required to get cleaned up; made-up or dressed up to receive it. As a matter of fact nobody else can give you this gift accept The Lord, so there's no reason to ask of your worthiness; your probability and your ability to be forgiven, this thing is between The One who gives the gift and the one who is willing to receive the gift.
Secondly, Jesus gave His all, yes even His life. The first words spoken by Jesus as He laid Himself on that old rugged cross was "Father FORGIVE THEM, for they do not know what they do." (Luke 23:24) The very reason for Jesus to come and die on the cross was so that we may have our debt paid in full so that we may be restored to God. To be forgiven is to truly begin anew, to have our slate wiped clean and to have the balance owed because of our sin zeroed out!!
Lastly, it is not about our intellect, understanding or knowledge of God's forgiveness, but it is all about our accepting the gift of forgiveness that God has for each of us. This great gift is available to everyone who asks. This great gift has no statute of limitations. This great gift has no boundaries that it cannot cross. This great gift never runs out, never ceases and never quits.
The Psalmist pens his praise as best as he can with words that attempts to describe what he feels..."So Great and So Far"!!! I have this image in my mind of bended knees, arms lifted and eyes looking as high and as far as they can see, yet the Psalmist knows that there is so much more beyond what he can begin to measure. So, he simply describes "So Great and So Far".
May you accept His forgiveness and may your praise be glorious!
"For as the heavens are high above the earth, SO GREAT is His mercy toward those who fear Him; As far as the east is from the west, SO FAR has He removed our transgressions from us." (Psalms 103:11-12 NKJV)