Trust God for Greater!
The Lord admonished His people for neglecting His promised dwelling place, The Temple, and then encouraged them to start on the reconstruction of the same. He told them not to be so concerned with its present condition as it had been utterly destroyed and laid in ruin. However, He told them to do the work and the end result would be GREATER than what formally was built!
The same holds true for you and I in this life. The world with all of the sin contained therein, has wreaked havoc on our earthly bodies, which is the habitation of The Lord for those of us who are Saved. God tells us in His Word that when we stop being so consumed with this world and stop being so consumed with self and begin to rebuild His Temple, which is our very heart, THEN WHAT WILL BE, SHALL BE GREATER than what was destroyed and laid to ruin by this world!
Knowing that The Lord Almighty dwells in me is a very good reason all by itself to be thankful. Knowing that each scripture; each prayer; and each meditative moment on His love for me is added reasons to praise my way beyond the state of thankfulness, but it even takes me deeper to a place to where I know what it means to be Grateful.
Here is what The Lord says to those who will do the work of restoring His dwelling place (restoration of your heart):
‘The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,’ says the Lord Almighty. ‘And in this place I will grant peace,’ declares the Lord Almighty.” (Haggai 2:9)
Be Greater than you've ever been and continue to grow Greater in Him every day!
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