Marriage Takes More Than Two!
All this week you've heard me say a lot about Kim's and my marriage. However, if you go back and read all of the posts, you will find that my reflections are not only about Kim and I, but they are about a Mighty God that we serve! God has made all the difference in our marriage. He has made all the difference in our family. He has made all the difference in our livelihood. He has been the source of who we are.
Understanding that it will take more than two to make a successful marriage is coming into the knowledge that we need to have Christ Jesus. Where the scripture talks about a "three-fold cord is not easily broken", it is reminding us of our need for the Essence of Love, the Creator of Love and the Author of Love and again, that is Christ Jesus! I, on many occasions have had to remind myself, when I find myself, trying to do things by myself that without Christ we're not as strong as we think that we are. Additionally, we also must know that "If Christ stands before us then who can be against us"!
Marriages have sustainable energy; marriages are strong; and marriages are healthy when the marriage is between you, your spouse, and our Heavenly Father. Invite God into your marriage and enjoy the journey. In God's economy, when you Invest in Him, the Return is "Above all that you could ever think or imagine". Trust me in this, when a marriage has been ordained in Heaven, then you + your spouse + Jesus = Blessed and Highly Favored and your marriage has been sanctioned and protected by The Most High God!
Marriage - there's nothing greater that can be shared together on this side of eternity when Jesus is in the marriage!
I love you all and thank each of you for following all week as I reflected on marriage. God bless You!
Tomorrow, we'll be 28 years In the books. Hallelujah!!!
"It’s better to have a partner than go it alone. Share the work, share the wealth. And if one falls down, the other helps... Two in a bed warm each other. Alone, you shiver all night. By yourself you’re unprotected. With a friend you can face the worst. Can you round up a third? A three-stranded rope isn’t easily snapped." (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 MSG)