Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The church vs. Being The Church

Part of learning to be a good follower of Jesus means to learn how to get along with others. Going to church isn't just about being right, but it's about learning to be kind and having love and consideration for others.

Just because you may be Saved doesn't give you a license to be unkind to those who aren't. Stop turning away from those who are not like you, they are our ministry assignment. Quit avoiding certain neighborhoods, they are our mission field. Open your eyes so that you can see the families who need assistance because you must know that you are blessed so that you may be a blessing to someone else. Open your minds so that you can place those who need to know Christ on your mind and in your prayers.

The church needs to behave in a way that would not negatively impact other people! Now, that's church, not just a building but people who love their neighbors as they love themselves.

There is a place (church) that we go to to worship, become equipped with the Word of God and to be encouraged to apply what we've received. Then there is the living out our faith and convictions, where we seek those God has equipped and sent us out to reach, those that God has given an answer to their prayers in the form of YOU and those who we are to love because we ourselves are loved...this is what "Being The Church" is, Christ, the head of the church manifested through you, His Church sent out in the world to tell of the Good News!

Don't just go to church - BE THE CHURCH!

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