Thursday, September 1, 2016

Early Morning Imagination - Why Me?

It's in the early morning hours that I oftentimes, over coffee and scripture, allow myself to imagine.

This morning's drifting thoughts was about: "Why me?" Having asked myself this question, I had to think about what was it that Jesus saw in me. It's awesome to know that Jesus doesn't see us as we are, but He sees us for what we will be!

First we must know that Jesus can handle our mess; as a matter of fact, He already has on The Cross of Calvary. He can see beyond our nasty, ugly, prideful, addicted, lustful, lying, cheating, stealing, adulterous, bigoted and  conceited behaviors. He knows that is the devil’s work.

So, don't think that you're disqualified because of some "stuff" in your life right now, because I'm here to tell you that I too, had some "stuff" and still have some "stuff" in my life, but Jesus can, does and will see us through the "stuff" and He helps us to become who we've been created to be!

When Jesus' eyes rested on you, He saw you as you are in reality, that is, as you appear, at all times, before God. Jesus sees beyond our "now" and sees our tomorrows.

"Why me?", the answer is simply because God loves me...AND HE LOVES YOU TOO!

May you imagine greater. Greater has no limitations in Christ Jesus. Aim for the heavenly because Jesus already sees you there, don't prove Him wrong by rejecting His Gift of Salvation. Today IS your day to not only imagine, but to BECOME  part of The Beloved!

#vacaystartstomorrow #unpluggung #remainfaithful #backnextweek

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