Wednesday, November 4, 2015

JUST ENOUGH for The Journey - Stay Alert and Don't be Found Sleeping!

This morning as I was reading the scriptures for Bible study this afternoon, I found myself drifting back off to sleep. My eyes lost focus and became heavy again. Indeed my spirit is willing but my flesh is weak!

You see, when my alarm clock went off I sprang into awakeness. The same is true when we hear the Gospel. It's as if an alarm has gone off and we awaken spiritually, we spring into new life, new hope and new purpose.

However, there are times that we get physically tired and we drift off, our spiritual awakeness is being compromised by our physical desire to go back to sleep. Our awakeness is not what it was when we first heard the alarm and before we know it, we've fallen back to sleep, even while trying to do the right thing...studying, praying and seeking. Again, the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

The falling asleep again is something that you don't realize because it sneaks up on you when you become overly comfortable, when life quiets down from its business and when you are alone. It is at this time that the enemy would entice you to relax, slow down, take a break or even a timeout from your seeking, studying and praying. Why not, all is going well and you're in a comfortable time in your life.

It is when we are alone and comfortable that we are more susceptible to being duped or lulled into sleep or sleepiness. It's when we allow ourselves to drift off or to take our eyes off of Jesus that we lose sight of our purpose, our drive and our motivation.

Well this morning I'm sounding an alarm. WAKEUP, WAKEUP, WAKEUP! I beg you to stay alert and to not be found sleeping!

I found myself drifting and quickly snapped out of it. Now that I've sat up, refocused and re-engaged I'm nudging you in the Spirit to get up, be alert and to keep on going!

In Christ Jesus, Amen.

Then He came and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, “Simon, are you sleeping? Could you not watch one hour?  Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” (Mark 14:37-38 NKJV)

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