Tuesday, November 3, 2015

JUST ENOUGH for The Journey - Allow Yourself to Think BIG Today!

I never try to think small and I try to surround myself with people who don't think small. 

The Apostle Peter said he wrote both of his books in the Bible "to stimulate you in wholesome thinking (2nd Peter 3:1 NIV)."

Proverbs 23:7 says: "As he [man] thinketh in his heart, so is he."

The way we think is very important, because our thoughts guide our actions. We can think small or negative, and our results will be the same. I believe that there is power in thinking big and thinking positively.

Speak to your day even now...

Today, I will accept every challenge and I will succeed in every one of them even beyond the expectations of others and even of myself.

Today, all of my interactions will be beneficial to both parties. I will not accept negativity or misunderstandings to get in the way of productivity and networking potentials.

Today, I will make my superiors proud that they chose me, empowered me and trusted me to get this Project moving towards completion. Ultimately, it is God who will be glorified by my work and diligence to do the right thing.

Tonight, once all has been said and done, I'm going to raise my hands to God and praise Him for my gifts, my talents and for the works of my hands.

We serve a GREAT BIG GOD who wants you to accomplish GREAT BIG THINGS that will be a GREAT BIG BLESSING for others.

I'm ready to do BIG THINGS because my BIG GOD has given me the ability to think GREAT BIG THOUGHTS, knowing that in Christ Jesus that I have no limitations because "I can do all things in Christ Jesus who strengthens me!"

Lastly, I'm sending up GREAT BIG PRAYERS for all of you to do BIG and GREAT things today!

Here's a BIG SMILE for your day! 😃


Unknown said...

Thank you for the reminder to get our minds right and remember the Bigger picture.

Unknown said...

Thank you son, what a great big God we serve.

Unknown said...

Thank you son, what a great big God we serve.