Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Engage Don't Escape!

Jesus shows us what happens when we confront our enemies with the Gospel. Paul was once one of the biggest trouble makers of the church and of those who followed Christ. Do you know someone who just wants to give you a hard time about the church? Do you know someone who continues to bad mouth your faith? Do you know someone who has something negative to say about those who call on the name of Jesus?  Well if you do, what are you doing about it?

I have always been of the understanding that the things that we complain about most are the things that we least understand.  Instead of ignoring them, walking away or dismissing them as ignorant, try engaging them and telling them of The Gift of God.  It would be an awesome testimony for the one that you take time to engage; I know because I have that testimony myself. 

Yes, someone took the time to tell me about a Savior. Someone took the time to tell me about the forgivenss of my sins. Someone took the time to tell me that I am accepted just as I am.  Someone took the time to tell me that I am loved.

May you take the Gospel to every man, woman, boy and girl and may this be the report that is spread throughout your community as a result of your sharing: 

“The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy.” (Galatians 1:23 NIV)

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