Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Coffee with The Pastor - PERSPECTIVE

Some would say, "Ain't never had anything", "Ain't from nowhere special", "Ain't never done nothing", "Ain't got the education", "Ain't got the financial resources or backing"...Aint, Ain't and Ain't!

"Ain't" is the lense that we often look through when we look at ourselves and through our own perceived thoughts of our circumstances. However, WHEN GOD GETS AHOLD OF OUR PERSPECTIVE, then we start to realize that we are perfectly positioned to be the one that God wants to use!

Let God flip our perceptions and perspectives! When we are perceived as, "Ain't nobody.  Ain't from nowhere. Ain't never done nothing," Then God gets all the glory from everything we accomplish. We don't need to be rich or powerful to be of value...WE ONLY NEED GOD!

Perspective is one of the most important things we can achieve in life. God's presence, power and favor change our perspective on our lives entirely.

Our "humble circumstances" should be seen as an opportunity. Those circumstances have us perfectly positioned to become an incredible praise report to the glory of God. We NEED Him, and that is awesome.

"Believers in humble circumstances ought to take pride in their high position." (James 1:9 NIV)

Now, that's a new perspective!

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