Friday, April 17, 2015

Coffee with The Pastor - Weeds and Seeds. What are we allowing to be Planted in us?

IT'S SPRINGTIME!! It is the time for newness and new growth. It is the time to Plant and to tend to what has been Planted! In order for the good things in our lives to flourish, we must uproot the weeds or the bad things that are growing with the sole purpose of destroying the good seed that has been Planted.

So this morning, I earnestly pray that daily we purposely seek God through His Holy Word. I pray that daily we open our eyes and our hearts to receive from Him His gift of life and to receive His love in our lives. I pray that each day we "Accept the planting of His Word" into our hearts and that our spirits are fed.

Now, I know that we haven't always done this. There was a time that we allowed worldly things to be planted in our life. There was a time when inappropriate talk and inappropriate images entered into our ears, our eyes and eventually these same things came into our heart. While they may not have had any affect on us in the short term (at first we enjoyed it), but over time they took root. Please know that If they are consistently watered with a continual flow of more inappropriate talk and images, they begin to flourish (like weeds) and will ultimately take over both our personal and spiritual lives.

What I'm trying to get at is this, WHATEVER we allow to be planted in us is EXACTLY what will grow out of us!

Today and every day, allow The Holy Spirit to plant Good Seed. Today allow The Holy Spirit to get rid of the "Moral Filth and Evil" which are the weeds in our lives that will try to overtake the Good Seed that is being planted.

Today, "Humbly Accept God's Planted Word in You!"

Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you. (James 1:21 NIV)

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