Monday, January 26, 2015

The S-Factor vs the X-Factor

The S-Factor vs the X-Factor

The X-Factor We've heard of and just a few days ago, I watched the television show by that name. The contestants in essence degraded themselves by performing dangerous stunts, being subjected to grotesque situations and on this particular show, being stung by thousands of Bees. The X-Factor here was who could put up with more torture, fear and humiliation than the others. The definition of an X-Factor is a variable in a given situation that could have the most significant impact on the outcome.

However, I subscribe to having the S-Factor which is to say that because of Christ, I am truly Significant and through Word, Worship and Witness lives are impacted unto Salvation. The S-Factor is to be:

A Sinner Saved by Grace...Set Free, Safe, Sanctified, Set Apart, In His Service to Serve others.

How will you "Factor" in this thing called TODAY? Will it be by grotesque actions or words, fear and humiliation...or will you be the one willing to offer a Smile; the one to be Supportive; to offer Security; to Stimulate greatness; to be Sustaining in times of trouble; or to be a Soul mate for the brokenhearted?

I choose to be an S-Factor!

(I probably need to STOP watching television, LOL)

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