Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Tuesday's Truth: It is one thing to read The Word of God and feel good about it, find comfort or receive confirmation about our life. However, The Word of God requires a response to how we live our lives DAILY in accordance to God's Word.

The Word of God is Divine, Sacred and Holy; given unto us to change our hearts and minds from the snares and entrapments of this world and to deliver us from the ruler of this world. 

What The Word of God is NOT...The Word of God is NOT a Hallmark moment, an occasional writing to make us feel good or a collection of words that are encased and only accessed in times of emergency.

The Word of God gives life; gives hope; frees the captives; heals; restores; delivers; builds up; tears down; it plants; and it uproots; it creates and destroys; it multiplies and divides; it Saves and Condemns; it forgives and convicts; it resurrects; sustains; renews; refreshes; removes fear, doubt, guilt, shame, remorse...The Word of God is living and active in the lives of the people of God.

"For it is not the hearers of the Law who are just before God, but the doers of the Law will be justified." (Romans 2:13)

Today, JUST DO IT...let's not just feel good about His Word, but let us be made good by His Word!! Amen?

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