Wednesday, August 26, 2015

JUST ENOUGH for The Journey - New Eyes of Faith!

I get excited when I hear of new and innovative strategies to reach others with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I look around and see how many things have changed since I was a little boy who was attending Sunday School and church services.

I remember my teacher, Min. Esther White of Tabernacle Baptist Church, sitting us in the basement of the church teaching us with creative ways. We sometimes colored and made things to take home and we sometimes read stories. We sang and we played games. However, each week we learned a verse of Scripture.

As little kids we didn't have Bibles of our own, but relied on our parents and teachers. Today, the Bible is made available by many vehicles  (printed, internet, handheld devices, radio and television). But just because we receive God's Word by different means than I did as a young boy, doesn't mean that what is being done today is wrong, watered down or misleading!

As I sit on the Bus this morning, typing on my Smartphone that contains a Bible App with at least 8 different translations that I like to read (there are far more), I am both thankful and grateful for the many ways God uses to reach His children.

So, when your church tries new things, new music, new ministries to reach this new generation, don't get all freaked out...perhaps it was something new that someone tried with you to win you to Christ?

Embrace the fact that God wants everyone to be Saved and that He needs you to spread The Good News of salvation in new, innovative, creative and exciting ways. Hey, whatever it takes, it's worth it!

I'm a Christian today because a church in Waldorf MD created a Christian basketball league that my sons participated in...creative and effective; I was Saved by a game that I loved, it got my attention and Jesus got my heart!

We must have new eyes of faith to see where and how God is at work in all kinds of surprising ways and places.

My church today, The Journey of Faith Church in Waldorf, MD is being innovative. Our Pastor is starting a Bible Institute to engage the community throughout the week via a series of studies held by different leaders in small clusters so as to be accountable to one another as we forge ahead to become "United Believers who are walking in faith to win Souls and to Transform lives, through Word, Worship and Witness"!

The Journey of Faith's Bible Institute - Coming in September  (after Labor day). COME CHECK US OUT!!

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