Monday, August 31, 2015

JUST ENOUGH for The Journey - Two choices...either COMMIT or COMPROMISE

We hear that we are to grow up, that we are to mature as Christians because when we were Saved, we were reborn. We had to start on the milk of God's Word before we can get to the meat of His Word.

Well because of this, some would ask, "How will I know that I'm growing in The Lord? What would be a for sure sign that I'm maturing and doing what The Lord has called me to do?"

Let me tell you that one sure sign that you are growing and maturing manifests itself in your prayer life. You see, when you first start to pray, you pray for yourself..."Lord help me...Dear God lead me...Father bless me...". Then as you get a little stronger you begin to pray corporately, "Lord move in us...God bless Your people...Jesus create in us...". However, maturity is evident when we as God's elect, begin to intercede in prayer on behalf of those who wronged us, those who abused us, those who have accused, lied, shamed and cursed us.

You see, when we begin to intercede for those who aren't living according to the Word of God, then and only then will things begin to change.

So, we don't like the drug dealers in our neighborhoods, then pray for them! So, we don't like the Liquor stores that are being built near our children's school, then pray for those who desire to build in your school zone. If you don't like the abusive language; the rising of gangs and the criminal activities associated with gangs; and the disrespect to the elderly and of private property, then pray!

We must understand that in order to change the behavior and to change the hearts of those who are our enemy, we must first pray!!

COMMIT to prayer and never COMPROMISE. Our best stance against injustices truly occurs when we kneel down on bended knees to pray!

I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. (1 Timothy 2:1 NLT)

Friday, August 28, 2015

JUST ENOUGH for The Journey - Jesus Wept

This morning I woke up late as I was up most of the night reading posts about yet another shooting in my Hometown of Beaver Falls, PA. Last night's shootings involved two young men being shot.

This is played out night after night, not only in my Hometown, but also in your Hometowns. As I laid there reading the prayers, the outrage of friends and family, the frustration of a community and the fear associated with these shootings, the drugs and all of the crime...the verse in scriptures that is in my heart to share with readers of this post today is, Jesus Wept.

It is heartbreaking to understand the depth of sin that is in this world and how steeped in sin some of our children and some of us truly are.

Our Prisons ARE FILLED with boys who instead of learning to swing a bat, have been taught and have learned to "sling drugs"; instead of pulling up on a jump shots in a high school basketball game, they have opted to pull a trigger of a gun. Our girls, instead of playing with Barbie Dolls are raising their very own children at a very early age.

The streets are claiming our babies before they can learn life skills like playing a sport which equals team building, trust and teamwork. Playing with Dolls equals care, nurturing and responsibility.

Although the smallest of all scriptures, "Jesus Wept" is so profound. If we truly meditated on this verse and asked "why", we would begin to see the multitude of reasons for our Savior's tears.

Yes, He wept for the death of His friend Lazarus, but when you draw back and look at the much bigger picture, you will see that Jesus Wept for the death of all men. It wasn't supposed to be like this. Because of sin, we now face death. Jesus wept because every man born of a woman will experience death. Jesus wept because sin has separated from Him what He has created.

Jesus wept because of the loss of our children, family values, loss of fellowship with one another, the reliance on drugs, guns and illicit activities that permeates our society and the corresponding decline of righteousness, holiness and God fearing/life sustaining values. Jesus wept because we have compromised with the enemy instead of praying against the activities of the enemy (as long as it's not in my house).

Jesus wept because we have fallen so far away from what He created us to be.

It's Praying time and today, I'm praying for Beaver Falls and I'm joining you in praying for your Hometowns...don't just talk about it; BE ABOUT IT! Amen.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

JUST ENOUGH for The Journey - Pray like a child!

Forget all of the education, degrees and titles!  My children know how to get my attention about the things that they both need and want. Do you know how to get God's attention?

Pray like a child...but don't act out like a child!

Jesus called a little child to Him and put the child among them. Then He said, “I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven.  So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. (Matthew 18:2-4 NLT)

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

JUST ENOUGH for The Journey - New Eyes of Faith!

I get excited when I hear of new and innovative strategies to reach others with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I look around and see how many things have changed since I was a little boy who was attending Sunday School and church services.

I remember my teacher, Min. Esther White of Tabernacle Baptist Church, sitting us in the basement of the church teaching us with creative ways. We sometimes colored and made things to take home and we sometimes read stories. We sang and we played games. However, each week we learned a verse of Scripture.

As little kids we didn't have Bibles of our own, but relied on our parents and teachers. Today, the Bible is made available by many vehicles  (printed, internet, handheld devices, radio and television). But just because we receive God's Word by different means than I did as a young boy, doesn't mean that what is being done today is wrong, watered down or misleading!

As I sit on the Bus this morning, typing on my Smartphone that contains a Bible App with at least 8 different translations that I like to read (there are far more), I am both thankful and grateful for the many ways God uses to reach His children.

So, when your church tries new things, new music, new ministries to reach this new generation, don't get all freaked out...perhaps it was something new that someone tried with you to win you to Christ?

Embrace the fact that God wants everyone to be Saved and that He needs you to spread The Good News of salvation in new, innovative, creative and exciting ways. Hey, whatever it takes, it's worth it!

I'm a Christian today because a church in Waldorf MD created a Christian basketball league that my sons participated in...creative and effective; I was Saved by a game that I loved, it got my attention and Jesus got my heart!

We must have new eyes of faith to see where and how God is at work in all kinds of surprising ways and places.

My church today, The Journey of Faith Church in Waldorf, MD is being innovative. Our Pastor is starting a Bible Institute to engage the community throughout the week via a series of studies held by different leaders in small clusters so as to be accountable to one another as we forge ahead to become "United Believers who are walking in faith to win Souls and to Transform lives, through Word, Worship and Witness"!

The Journey of Faith's Bible Institute - Coming in September  (after Labor day). COME CHECK US OUT!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

JUST ENOUGH for The Journey - It's YOUR time to be Blessed!

Every day, we do everything by time. We use it, we waste it, we mark it, we make it. Some of us even "do" time. We wakeup by it, and as a final insult, we sometimes kill it! But with all of this "time" watching, monitoring and adhering by it, do we really know what time it is?

We realize when times are hard. We recognize when there are times of lack. We recall times of need, sickness and even sadness.

However, The Word of God reminds us that There is a Time for Everything...To Everything there is a Season! (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 NKJV)

Well fam, God has placed it in me this morning to remind us all that if we have seasons of lack, then we need to be on the lookout for a season of plenty. God's Word assures me that when I've endured a season of isolation and separation, then I will come into a season of acceptance. Let it be known today that your season of incarceration has a release date attached to it! Understand that your season of family strife will culminate with a family reunion.

Do you really understand WHAT TIME IT IS?

It is YOUR time to be Blessed!

"To everything there  is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: A time to be born, And a time to die; A time to plant, And a time to pluck what  is planted; A time to kill, And a time to heal; A time to break down, And a time to build up; A time to weep, And a time to laugh; A time to mourn, And a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, And a time to gather stones; A time to embrace, And a time to refrain from embracing; A time to gain, And a time to lose; A time to keep, And a time to throw away; A time to tear, And a time to sew; A time to keep silence, And a time to speak; A time to love, And a time to hate; A time of war, And a time of peace." (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 NKJV)

Monday, August 24, 2015

JUST ENOUGH for The Journey - Crushing the Power of Compromise

It concerns me how easily we can be brought to the point of compromise. In Exodus, Pharaoh has denied both Moses and God on many occasions. So, God brought plagues to the land of Egypt and upon the very palace of Pharaoh and his officials. However, Pharaoh, just like our enemy seems to think that he has a hold on both you and your family! Although the plagues devastated Egypt, Pharaoh was still trying to control God’s people...KNOW that the Devil is relentless!

However, like Moses, we are to never compromise with the enemy! When The Lord is delivering you, He also wants to deliver your family! The devil would like it very much for you to get caught up in the church and he would let you become very busy doing things away from your home for other people. His diabolical plan to hold on to your loved ones while you leave Egypt would be fulfilled if you compromise.

Pharaoh knows that he can't win over Moses, so he tries to compromise, "Who are the ones going?" Moses doesn't hesitate in his response. Moses didn't flinch in his answer. Moses didn't have to think about it or pray over it...Moses didn't and wouldn't compromise. Moses told Pharaoh, “We will go with our young and our old; with our sons and our daughters, with our flocks and our herds we will go...". Moses essentially said that he was taking everything and everyone and anything connected to what was his!!!

Today, I'm going to CRUSH THE POWER OF COMPROMISE and tell Pharaoh that when I leave Egypt, I'm taking Kimberly, Keith Jr, Kyle, Kaelyn and the dog and cat!!

I pray that you claim all that God has given you. It's time to be on The Journey of Faith together!

So Moses and Aaron were brought again to Pharaoh, and he said to them, “Go, serve the Lord your God. Who are the ones that are going?” And Moses said, “We will go with our young and our old; with our sons and our daughters, with our flocks and our herds we will go, for we must hold a feast to the Lord.” (Exodus 10:8-9 NKJV)

Thursday, August 20, 2015

JUST ENOUGH for The Journey - God Stepped In!

God stepped in and took away all of our sin. God stepped in and took away all of our shame. He stepped in so that He can restored us. He stepped in so that He may wash us to make us clean, accepted,  respected and loved.

Know this, God STEPPED IN and STEPPED UP when all others STEPPED AWAY!

“But God stepped in and saved me from certain death. I’m alive again! Once more I see the light!’ “This is the way God works. Over and over again He pulls our souls back from certain destruction so we’ll see the light—and live in the light! “Keep listening, Job. Don’t interrupt—I’m not finished yet. But if you think of anything I should know, tell me. There’s nothing I’d like better than to see your name cleared. Meanwhile, keep listening. Don’t distract me with interruptions. I’m going to teach you the basics of wisdom.” (Job 33:28-33 MSG)

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

JUST ENOUGH for The Journey - God will ALWAYS TAKE THE LEAD!

It is amazing how we could look at Moses and even ourselves and begin to attribute all of the struggles, hardaches and misery of ministry solely on ourselves. We tend to put a lot of pressure on ourselves. We oftentimes focus on our inadequacies and our ineffectiveness as leaders as well as our limitations in sustaining the journey that we are on.

However, we must be reminded that we are only His vessels that He uses to go into Egypt (the world) to tell Pharaoh to "Let God's people go". God's Word says that signs and wonders will accompany those who believe and are doing the work of ministry. Just like Moses, we are to just go and say what God tells us to say and we are to do what God instructs us to do. BUT when the journey of bringing the people out of bondage and oppression begins, it is not Moses (or us) who are leading them out; NO, it's The Lord who is leading them out!

Let me encourage someone today by reminding you that your ministry will ALWAYS be effective when we let God lead the people out. We are to tell them that our God has made a way out. We are to tell them know that God has already defeated the enemy. We need to tell them to trust and believe in God and that Jesus is the Savior of all who calls upon His name.

It's rather simple, we tell them about the salvation of The Lord and it is The Lord that Saves them. We point them to God and God will LEAD THEM OUT...just like He led us out!

"And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so as to go by day and night. He did not take away the pillar of cloud by day or the pillar of fire by night from before the people." (Exodus 13:21-22 NKJV)

Monday, August 17, 2015

JUST ENOUGH for The Journey - For Your Good!

It's not about what's working and what's not working that matters. It's all about how God will work it out for you!

You may not know how it's going to work out. You may not know what it's going to look like. You may not know when, where and if it's going to work out. But what you must hold on to today is the truth and the knowledge that God can and God will work it out for those who are called according to His purpose!

You see, God has both a plan and a purpose for your life. He'll move every mountain and He'll defeat every enemy. God will make a way out of no way and He'll bless you when others doubt you. God will lift when the schemes of this world are designed to pull you down. God will set free those who are in captivity. God will not only give you the victory, but He'll make you triumph!

So, don't worry about what appears to be working against you, know that God is working it out FOR YOUR GOOD!

"And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28 NKJV)

Friday, August 14, 2015

JUST ENOUGH for The Journey - God's People Shall be Let Go!

Hallelujah!  Glory to God!

Pharaoh thought that he was in charge. Pharaoh thought that he set the parameters concerning how God's people would be treated, how they would live and who and where they would worship.

Pharaoh, just like some in today's world and culture think that they are in control and they feel as if they are calling the shots!

They better recognize what happened in Egypt,  how our Mighty God dealt with Pharaoh and all of Egypt for enslaving God's people. God put a hurt on the Egyptian people, their homes, their land and their livestock. God's Word said that he brought plagues that was never seen before and will never be seen again. God's Word said there was wailing that was never been heard before  and would never be heard again in all of Egypt.

God sent a strong message to anyone and to anything that would try to force God's people to live opposed to the the plan of God and contrary to the purpose of God for our lives.

So listen up Pharaoh, Satan and all of you Haters...God's people shall be free to worship, to live and to be a witness of the glory of God according to God's terms, not yours!


"Pharaoh called in Moses and Aaron that very night and said, “Get out of here and be done with you—you and your Israelites! Go worship God on your own terms. And yes, take your sheep and cattle as you’ve insisted, but go. And bless me.” (Exodus 12:31-32 MSG)

Thursday, August 13, 2015

JUST ENOUGH for The Journey - Life has NEVER been better than THIS!

God , my shepherd! I don’t need a thing. You have bedded me down in lush meadows, you find me quiet pools to drink from. True to your word, you let me catch my breath and send me in the right direction. Even when the way goes through Death Valley, I’m not afraid when you walk at my side. Your trusty shepherd’s crook makes me feel secure. You serve me a six-course dinner right in front of my enemies. You revive my drooping head; my cup brims with blessing. Your beauty and love chase after me every day of my life. I’m back home in the house of God for the rest of my life. (Psalm 23:1-6 MSG)

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

JUST ENOUGH for The Journey - The Cross of Jesus

It is at the Cross that we both discover and receive life. It is at the Cross that we have received the victory and triumph in Christ Jesus!

The Cross that we have hanging on a wall in our house or that we are wearing around our neck is neither artwork or jewelry, NO, it is our RECEIPT that indicates that Jesus paid our debt in full. Hallelujah!

I ain't easy, cheap, free, discounted, discontinued or reduced.


"When you were stuck in your old sin-dead life, you were incapable of responding to God. God brought you alive—right along with Christ! Think of it! All sins forgiven, the slate wiped clean, that old arrest warrant canceled and nailed to Christ’s cross. He stripped all the spiritual tyrants in the universe of their sham authority at the Cross and marched them naked through the streets."(Colossians 2:13-15 MSG)

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

JUST ENOUGH for The Journey - Reinforcing Positive Behavior

In my wife's classroom, she and her colleagues use the phrase "Reinforcing Positive Behavior". The same is true with God. God not only reinforces positive behavior but He rewards it!

Want God in your home, your workplace and in your life? Then do away with all the negative energy and behavior.

Go into your day with a positive attitude and I'm confident that you will make a positive and rewarding impact on those you encounter and in all that you do. God will see your good works and bless it in a mighty the place that you need for Him to bless!

Today, instead of "Take your Child to Work Day", I'm suggesting that we make it a "Take God to Work Day"!!

This is what the Lord of heavenly forces, the God of Israel, says: Improve your conduct and your actions, and I will dwell with you in this place. (Jeremiah 7:3 CEB)

Monday, August 10, 2015

JUST ENOUGH for The Journey - The Church is NOT your "Good Luck Charm"

In the Old Testament, many people in Judah believed that the very existence of the Temple, served as assurance that God would protect them from their enemies and from the consequences of their sins.

Unfortunately, the times have not changed. People feel and believe that just because they come into the church on Sunday, sit through a service, sing a few songs and place their Offering (sacrifice) in the Collection Plate, that they are covered.

However, the prophet Jeremiah was told by God to preach at the Temple Gates (Church Doors). His message was simple...the people needed to change their behavior. They needed to treat one another right. They needed to live lives that reflected the Holy Character of the God that they claimed to worship in the Temple (church), because without these changes, God would not be with them regardless of how many sacrifices (how much money), the people offered.

Through Jeremiah,  God asked, "Do you regard this Temple, which bears My name, as a hiding place for criminals and in the New Testament, in the Gospel of Matthew 21:13 Jesus says, "You have made the Temple a hideout for crooks"

It's laughable to think that we who are acting/pretending to live right and for those of us who haven't changed their ways to live a Godly life and for all of us that claim safety of the church to even THINK that we are fooling God! God is not fooled folks!

You see, we have a false sense of security if we are counting on the church for protection or for it to be our "Good Luck Charm". It is far more important and beneficial to simply do the work of living right...for when we live right, we are truly covered by "The Church", which is not a building made by hands!

God is done with those of us who are playing church! Change your ways because If you dont, then you've only succeeded in fooling yourself!

For the full context of this Post, read Jeremiah 7:1-15, but the verse that I'm lifting up this morning is verse 11.

"Do you regard this temple, which bears my name, as a hiding place for criminals? I can see what’s going on here, declares the Lord." (Jeremiah 7:11 CEB)

Be changed and be blessed!

Saturday, August 8, 2015

JUST ENOUGH for The Journey - I "THOUGHT" that I was only out for a Walk

I'm out walking this morning thinking and praying for my church family who are out today doing Outreach as they evangelize the surrounding neighborhoods. I'm not with them because I'm traveling to see about my parents and to spend time with them and my brother, Kevin.

Little did I know that God had a plan to use me to evangelize on this stretch of country road on this early morning.

I met a woman walking her dog on the opposite side of the road. She greeted me and began talking immediately about her life, drugs, spousal abuse and pending divorce and relocation.

She mentioned that she was a believer, raised Roman Catholic,  but since has been attending a Baptist church. We shared our names and I heard her story. I let her know with great assurance that God is STILL God!

That's all that I had to say, her eyes welled up with tears and instantly I knew that God spoke to her.

Witnessing isn't about directing people to our buildings and events. As Rev. Brown shared during Wed Night Study, ministry is a culture not an event.

The Great Commission is STILL The Great Commission!  Get out there and tell them about Jesus...even if it's on a country road early in the morning.

Be blessed today Journey of Faith Church!

Friday, August 7, 2015

JUST ENOUGH for The Journey - Reflecting...Great Men

Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. (1 Corinthians 12:7 NIV)

Thursday, August 6, 2015

JUST ENOUGH for The Journey - JESUS' Supremacy In ALL and Through ALL

We'll folks, it's really a very simple choice for this guy right here on who I will place my faith, my hope and my trust. You can have your say to try to convince me otherwise, but let me save you some time. Jesus created and rules and is LORD over ALL things, so....I'M GOOD...I'M CONVINCED...I'M A CHRISTIAN!!

Now, allow me to convince you:

The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. And He is the head of the body, the church; He is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything He might have the supremacy. For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile to Himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through His blood, shed on the cross.  Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. But now He has reconciled you by Christ’s physical body through death to present you holy in His sight, without blemish and free from accusation— (Colossians 1:15-22 NIV)

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

JUST ENOUGH for The Journey - The Will of God

We oftentimes ask, wonder and even try our best to "guess" what The Will of God is. We see Him in judgment. We see Him as unchanging. We see Him as Just, Righteous and Holy. Simply put, "We SEE Him as...God". What we don't do is, we don't get to KNOW HIM. We don't LISTEN to Him and we don't BELIEVE Him!

Get to KNOW GOD - We need to spend more time with Him; talking with Him in prayer; listening to Him through the reading, understanding and then living by His Holy Word; and trusting and believing that His Holy Spirit which you have received...KNOWING that The Holy Spirit is God's promise of salvation that has been sealed in you as your guarantee for eternal life with God.

Do we only SEE God or do we make the effort to truly KNOW God? If you KNOW God, then you have joy and you have peace because you already KNOW His Will for your life through Christ Jesus.

KNOW today that His Will is for you and I to spend eternity with Him in His Kingdom!

Jesus tells His Disciples about the Will of God - "All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.  For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.  This is the will of the Father who sent Me, that of all He has given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day.  And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day.” (John 6:37-40 NKJV)

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

JUST ENOUGH for The Journey - Arrogance Always Destroys Opportunity

Let it be known that all of this worldly stuff (money, property, fame, education, position, etc) is not that which should define us. These things do not cause us to be truly successful.

Yes, they are things that we strive for and things that we can be proud of when we achieve them. However, let us be very careful of how we perceive ourselves once we've obtained a certain level of success!

You see, it is extremely difficult to humble ourselves when we have the perception of having obtained a superior status. This superior status is different for each of us as we each have our own ideas of what success looks like.

King Agrippa had it all...wealth, fame and position. When the Apostle Paul began to witness to him about the goodness of The Lord and how God showed favor to the Israelites, the King's ear was attentive and his heart was "slightly" touched...until he looked at all of his "stuff" and instead of humbling himself, he became arrogant and missed his opportunity of salvation.

Let's learn a very important lesson this morning. All of our worldly things will cease to exist one day. Our "stuff" is only temporary and not eternal. Don't let your accomplishments blind you and lead your heart away for the need of salvation.

One day, we will face our Lord and He will judge each and every one of us. I pray that at that moment, that what was uttered by King Agrippa, "You Almost persuade me to become a Christian", is not something that would come from us.

Don't let arrogance keep you from getting to Jesus as your Lord and Savior!

Then Agrippa said to Paul, “You almost persuade me to become a Christian.” And Paul said, “I would to God that not only you, but also all who hear me today, might become both almost and altogether such as I am, except for these chains.” (Acts 26:28-29 NKJV)

Monday, August 3, 2015

JUST ENOUGH for The Journey - Why all of the Commotion?

In this life we are going to have sickness. In this life we are going to experience difficulties. In this life we will know how it feels to be abandoned, confused and uncomfortable. In this life we will experience loss of loved ones. In this life we will experience...well, we will experience life!

Stuff happens, it's a simple as that. It's just life. However, when stuff happens, we don't need to lose our minds and preoccupy ourselves with a defeated attitude.

When the Synagogue Ruler's daughter became sick unto death, Jesus said to them, "Do not be afraid; only believe." When Jesus walked into the house, He saw a bunch of people crying and mourning the loss of this little girl. He asked, "Why all the commotion?"

You see, we're quick to doubt the power and authority of The Lord. We cry before praying we give up before asking and we mourn instead of seeking the miraculous.

Jesus is still healing. Jesus is still resroring. Jesus is still delivering. Jesus is still in control!

Today, before you give up, get down on your knees and seek The Lord in your situation. Avoid the commotion and put in motion the Power and Authority of Jesus, the Christ!

"As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, He said to the ruler of the synagogue, “Do not be afraid; only believe.”  And He permitted no one to follow Him except Peter, James, and John the brother of James. Then He came to the house of the ruler of the synagogue, and saw a tumult and those who wept and wailed loudly. When He came in, He said to them, “Why make this commotion and weep? The child is not dead, but sleeping.” And they ridiculed Him. But when He had put them all outside, He took the father and the mother of the child, and those who  were with Him, and entered where the child was lying. Then He took the child by the hand, and said to her, “Talitha, cumi,” which is translated, “Little girl, I say to you, arise.”  Immediately the girl arose and walked, for she was twelve years of  age. And they were overcome with great amazement."
(Mark 5:36-42 NKJV)