We hear that we are to grow up, that we are to mature as Christians because when we were Saved, we were reborn. We had to start on the milk of God's Word before we can get to the meat of His Word.
Well because of this, some would ask, "How will I know that I'm growing in The Lord? What would be a for sure sign that I'm maturing and doing what The Lord has called me to do?"
Let me tell you that one sure sign that you are growing and maturing manifests itself in your prayer life. You see, when you first start to pray, you pray for yourself..."Lord help me...Dear God lead me...Father bless me...". Then as you get a little stronger you begin to pray corporately, "Lord move in us...God bless Your people...Jesus create in us...". However, maturity is evident when we as God's elect, begin to intercede in prayer on behalf of those who wronged us, those who abused us, those who have accused, lied, shamed and cursed us.
You see, when we begin to intercede for those who aren't living according to the Word of God, then and only then will things begin to change.
So, we don't like the drug dealers in our neighborhoods, then pray for them! So, we don't like the Liquor stores that are being built near our children's school, then pray for those who desire to build in your school zone. If you don't like the abusive language; the rising of gangs and the criminal activities associated with gangs; and the disrespect to the elderly and of private property, then pray!
We must understand that in order to change the behavior and to change the hearts of those who are our enemy, we must first pray!!
COMMIT to prayer and never COMPROMISE. Our best stance against injustices truly occurs when we kneel down on bended knees to pray!
I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. (1 Timothy 2:1 NLT)