Monday, March 19, 2018

Monday Motivation - Start Your Workweek with Praise!

We typically dread the beginning of the Workweek and it is extremely difficult for us to get motivated, to think positively or to get excited about getting up and to get going. However, when we consider the gift of God, the favor of God and the blessing of God in our lives (a job to go to, talent, skills, knowledge and abilities), we should SHOUT HALLELUJAH! Even our awakening is a victory and our showing up to do what God has gifted us to do in our workplace is a triumph!

I'm up, I'm moving and I'm motivated - that is a VICTORY.

I'll pray, I'll show up, and I'll contribute to the well-being of my team, superiors and co-workers - that is TRIUMPHANT!


Oh, clap your hands, all you peoples! Shout to God with the voice of triumph! (Psalms 47:1 NKJV)

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