Friday, February 9, 2018

"Things" INAPPROPRIATELY Adored are Idols

You can make an Idol out of anything or anyone in life. A church building can become an Idol to us, when all the while it is simply a place to meet and worship our Lord - nothing more. Your work can easily become your can some pursuit in life. A house, a chair, an antique car, an education, a trip abroad, and even the goal of retirement...

Your lord and savior wants to occupy first place. Matthew 6:33 says that when He has it (1st Place), everything else will be added to you. How long has it been since you've enlisted your Lord's help in a private, personal Temple - cleansing session? It's so easy to get attached to Idols -  good things, INAPPROPRIATELY adored. But when you have Jesus in the center of the room, everything else only junks up the decor!

"You shall not make idols for yourselves" (Leviticus 26:1a NKJV)

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