You've Allowed it to Grow, Now: STOP IT - DROP IT & KILL IT!
For many of us, our current problems was something that we should have taken care of prior to today; prior to it becoming as big as it is now; and prior to our losing control or it becoming out of control. Oftentimes our problems come camouflaged as a relationship/friend we couldn’t live without or something that we thought was cool every now and again, but now has become a bad habit. However, one day not of our choosing, the gloves came off and the problem grew up and grew out of control and stepped on our throat, suffocating us with all its weight.
This is typically how things happen. We don't deal with things right away, we allow them to grow bigger and bigger and bigger and then we are surprised when it grows out of control. We allow sickness to linger for way too long before seeking help. We allow our children to talk and act however they want before trying to bring it under control and then it's too late. We "dip & dab" with substance abuse and before we know it, we're hooked! And we avoid the church, the teaching and coming into the knowledge of Jesus Christ and before we know it, we're lost...some for all eternity!!!
STOP IT - DROP IT & KILL IT before it grows any bigger than what it is.
"It" is a spirit of abuse. "It" is a spirit whose assignment is to destroy relationships and families. "It" is a spirit of extremities tempting us to go beyond the point of return.
Get on your knees and STOP IT - DROP IT & KILL IT!!! In Jesus' name. Amen.
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