You have two choices: "Give In or Go On"
When you are an Encourager, you realize that there are times when we succeed and there will be times when we fail. failure is part of life—and when we fail we have but two choices: we can Give In or Go On.
Some people bounce back rather quickly from failure and are able to keep it moving; whereas, there are those among us that require a little more motivation. One of the ways to motivate others is to tell them about your past troubles and traumas. Sometimes people think that if you’re currently successful, you have always been that way. They don’t realize that you have had your share of flops, failures, and fumbles. Show them that success is a journey, a process, NOT a destination. When they realize that you have failed and yet still managed to succeed, they’ll realize that it’s okay to fail. And their confidence will remain intact.
Be transparent and let people know that you post only the good stuff on social media, but if they knew what you truly had to go through to post those vacation photos, those first day of school pics, college dorm rooms and apartment setups, etc., they would know that we didn't go out to shake the "Money Tree". They'd know that it was by way of a lot of sacrifices that these things were made possible. They'd know that a lot of planning and savings had to occur to post those wonderful pictures and to create memories worth sharing!
Yes, there is so much more behind what you see on social media, but I just want to encourage someone this morning by saying, that if you don't Give In but Go On, you will overcome the failures that come our's just a part of our journey. Going on is what makes us different; Giving In only stops us from overcoming.
What's your choice today: Give In or to GO ON?