Monday, July 25, 2016

Those who have an ear to hear, let them hear!

Not everyone is waking up feeling excited. Not everyone is springing out of the bed with great joy. Nor is everyone looking forward to this week or even this day because some are facing life's challenges and their decisions are being formed by the limited choices that are available for them.

The Bible tells us that Mary felt like her decisions were formed by the limited choices made available to her based on her current situation (pregnant and not married). She felt shunned and afraid of those in her life, so much so that she was to go into hiding. However, God was in complete control.

You see, when we can only see limited choices and even those don't look good, we must know that God's got us! God showed Mary a miracle that was being experienced by someone else (Elizabeth), so that she may know that God could do anything. Then Mary was encouraged when she was told that, "The Holy will come upon you, and overshadow you."

It's time to pray. It's time to have faith. It's time to believe God again. Look around, God's showing you those in your life that has been the recipient of miracles. Like Mary and Elizabeth, we have to know that, "For with God nothing will be impossible.” (Luke 1:37 NKJV)

My brothers and sisters be encouraged, the Holy Spirit will come upon you and overshadow you when you give it all to God. Trust, have faith and believe God and watch the impossible become possible!

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