Monday's Meditation: What Do You Want?
Oftentimes we act out and act up; we show out and show off all to get attention from someone. With all of this attention seeking, my question this morning is: are we prepared to give an answer?
The scripture that I'm sharing with you this morning amazes and excites me...yet it causes me to pause as I ponder my very own response. Think about it, we meditate on the Word of God, we read His Word and we pray His Word. However, when I read this particular passage, it makes me think about how I would answer The King of kings and The Lord of lords, The Creater; The Alpha and Omega and as John has told his disciples "The Lamb of God".
The next day John was there again with two of his disciples. When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, “Look, the Lamb of God!” When the two disciples heard him say this, they followed Jesus. Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, “What do you want?” (John 1:35-38a NIV)
As I sit here preparing for this day, my response to Jesus' question is simply, "I want to see others just as you see them". Tomorrow (I'm thinking), my response may be different as my mindset very likely will be different. However, I'm elated in knowing that WHATEVER we want, in Christ Jesus we ALREADY have it.
I'm glad that He asks of us today and everyday "What Do You Want?" I pray today that you meditate on this question and if you don't yet know Jesus as your Lord and Savior...or even as just a friend, that you will respond to this very same question with saying "YOU. I want You Jesus". He's seen our acting up and acting out; He's see our showing off and showing out...and He asks "What Do You Want?"
- If it's love, He is love
- If it's hope, He is our hope
- If it's peace, He gives peace that surpasses all understanding
- If it's healing, by His stripes we are healed
- If it's help, He is our advocate
- If it's protection, He said to stand still for the battle is not yours but The Lord's
- If it is restoration, He says Today, you shall be with me in Paradise
- If it is confidence, release from addiction or oppression, He has led captivity captive and has even taken the keys of your enemy that has held you captive... You are freed and free of captivity in Jesus.
I can go on and on...WHAT DO YOU WANT?
Thank you Jesus...I WANT YOU!