Wealth is not money, IDEAS are! Wealth is the result of right ideas, right thinking, right intentions, right purpose and right motives. You see, you can be wealthy beyond imagination if your thoughts are focused on the good that you can do towards others. Every time I open God's Word, my value goes up. Every time I open God's word my my worth is increased and my status improves...why? Because what I share from what God gives me blesses others with new life, new hope and new perspectives!
I love what God gives me to share and the blessing of doing God's will makes you wealthy and makes me wealthy and when we both feel good about who we are and whose we are, it makes us exponentially wealthy and healthy in God's economy!
Read, pray and live by God's Word and watch God POUR OUT A BLESSING in your life and in the lives of others. This is YOUR Season to prosper...this is YOUR season to truly be wealthy! #makeithappen