Monday, July 31, 2017
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
BECAUSE of Grace and Mercy
God's Grace and Mercy - Mercy is God NOT giving us what we do deserve; Grace is God giving us something we DO NOT deserve.
You STILL don't understand Grace and Mercy? Let me tell you what it means to me: "Jesus paid the price for my life, all that was wrong, His love has made right!"
You see BECAUSE of His mercy, what should have been my outcome, because of the way I lived my life, didn't happen! But BECAUSE of His Grace, He has placed Himself in me to do and to speak marvelous things to this world!
So please understand that I serve a Mighty God and for this reason alone, I shall boldly, continually and eternally preach, teach and reach IN HIS NAME!
Let the church say Amen!
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Keep Trying and Keep Doing Your Best!
In spite of where you are or what it looks like. God is with You!!!
Feeling unappreciated, undervalued, continuously chastised because of a mistake that you made? Have you been made to feel and sometimes even believe that God cannot use you in ministry? Well if you fall into these categories are those similar to these, God has you right where you need to be and He’s right there in the mix with you!
God is with you even when you are overlooked or treated unfairly. So if He is with you, then you want to do your best right where you are. Know that God is right beside you in the process, whatever you’re going through. So you want to keep doing your very best wherever you are. There is still a plan unfolding, and please know that there will always be somebody that has their eyes on you to see how you’ll respond to life’s circumstances. Actually, it’s probably true that more people have eyes on you in the pit, despair and challenges of life than were watching when you when you were on top of your game and doing well.
Let God show Himself to be strong and mighty in your life, you don’t have to say a word to your naysayers, God will prove Himself and therefore, make your enemy out to be a Liar concerning your circumstance, situation or ministry!
Praise God in song even now..."Let God arise and your enemies be scattered...Let God, Let God arise"
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Don't Count HIM Out!
No matter what our obstacles are, no matter what mistakes we’ve made, no matter if we’re in a season of wandering or a season of darkness, God’s purpose and plan will still prevail.
Hallelujah and Amen!
Monday, July 17, 2017
Refreshing and Renewing
As I walk the beach each morning and each evening, I noticed that each day the waves were a little different, the sky was a slightly different color, the footprints that were on the beach yesterday were no longer there but the ones that I made just moments before showed me a glimpse of were I had been, but then in a little while they were gone. I thought about this and noticed all of the Sand that had been roughed up by my walking on it and then remembered how by the next day, how smooth it was made by the tide that came in the night.
Lord You have over and over and over again...smoothed out the rough spots in our lives and each new day you have provided for us a fresh start and a new perspective.
Psalm 40:5 says it like this - "You, Lord my God! You’ve done so many things— Your wonderful deeds and your plans for us— no one can compare with You! If I were to proclaim and talk about all of them, they would be too numerous to count!"
Although there's an abundance of Sand, it could no way measure up to the bountiful blessings that you have given unto those who love You...regardless of the rough spots that we've created for ourselves...late in the midnight hour Lord, you have smoothed them all out!!
Today, think on the many new and fresh starts that God has and is providing for you and give Him thanks...THEN MAKE IT COUNT!!! Happy New Day!!
Friday, July 14, 2017
Get YOU Out of the Way!
Always pray, study and worship before you speak God's Word. Always pray, study and worship before you teach God's Word. Always pray, study and worship before trying to reach others for God.
Sometimes we can get overconfident in our own abilities and begin to neglect the One who gifted us with our abilities. We don't study like we use to. We don't pray like we use to. We don't even cut out time to worship God, because we're too busy being busy. Please know, that when we leave God out, we take God out and then it becomes all about US!
People don’t need more people. They need people who get out of the way and show people the one true God!
Thursday, July 13, 2017
Who Was I?
I was a sinner.
I was lost and confused.
I oftentimes did things that brought shame
I drank, smoked, cussed, lied and partied excessively
Who Am I?
I am Saved.
I am a child of The King.
I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
I am forgiven, blessed and highly favored.
I am called by God to show & tell of His Love, Grace & Mercy
Why is important that I recall "Who I Was" and remind myself of "Who I Am"? Put simply: There’s something to be said about the power of identity!
KNOW WHO YOU ARE - otherwise, the world and those in it will define you!
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Be content. Not complacent.
This particular season is not about doing. It’s about being. Being the thing God created, being the thing God intended. It’s a kind of lathering process that’s going to build and develop you. The oil that’s supposed to be poured onto your life will be a reflection of the oil that has been developed in your life. It’s the secret place that develops you. It’s the secret place that prepares you. It’s the unseen preparation that gives you a visible anointing.
If you want to be a leader, if you want to be a person that builds other people’s faith and be used by God, be faithful in the mundane, be faithful in the hidden place. God is preparing to bring you into a place so magnificent that only He can get the credit for it!
- I Am Number 8
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Today's a Good Day to Have a Good Day!
TODAY, God got a little somethin' somethin' with MY name on it! Favor ain't fair but it is FABULOUS! 😃😃😃✔
You know, sometimes you just have to encourage yourself!!
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Take the FIRST STEP!
In the book of the Prophet Haggai in Chapter 2, we hear Haggai speak the Words that came to him from The Lord. God was asking 2 questions of the priests (1) Is holiness contagious? Can holiness be transferred from one thing to another? The priests answered, "No". (2) Can uncleanness, the opposite of holiness, be contagious? Can someone who is ritually unclean contaminate things that are holy? "Yes", the priests answered.
God told the people that they knew that since the Temple had been destroyed and not rebuilt, that the Temple had become contaminated and so had the people. Therefore, because the people were defiled, then so would their sacrifice be defiled.
However, in verses 15, 18, 19b...three times the Prophet Haggai announced that "from this day forward" things would be different. You see, something changed, the people took the "First Step" and the foundation stone, the cornerstone of the Temple was laid and as part of the ceremony, the Temple was rededicated, cleansing it from defilement, making it a functional holy space again.
The last sentence in verse 19, The Lord says this, "FROM THIS DAY ON I WILL BLESS YOU."
Despite our sin in this life, God still responds favorably to our "First Step" in the right direction. Throughout the Bible we see people that when they looked beyond their own selfish concerns, God jumped at the chance to reestablish a relationship with His chosen people.
Think about this...God is and has always been ready to jump at the chance to reestablish relationship with you...we just need to take the FIRST STEP!