Too many of us are living in dangerous situations. Whether it may be a physically or verbally abusive relationship, a financially-strained marriage, a jealous and envious friendship, or even a toxic work environment, chaos and violence has become the norm.
When we spend countless hours living in toxic environments, even when we know it is not good for us, we become no longer sensitive to them. Our defenses are weakened and all of the negative energy around us starts to seep in. It becomes common for our significant other to belittle and call us names. It becomes the standard of love for trust to not be present. These are toxic situations, which unfortunately, have become a lifestyle for those who have become used to it.
In life, some have often stayed in situations that were toxic, because they did not understand their worth nor did they believe there was something better. When things become comfortable, even though in a mental prison, it is hard to break free. In these situations, our self-worth is consistently weakened on the daily to the point where we do not really know who we are anymore. It's hard to live, yet our options seem few and far in between.
Many of us are living in very dark situations. However, we can steer clear of toxic people and toxic relationships. How do i know? I know because Jesus died to set the captive free and to introduce to all, an abundant life in Christ. I know because His death, burial and resurrection is our permission to escape the night. I now know that the night does not have to become the norm nor the standard for our life. I believe that In Christ, we are free to live as Christ intended for us to live!
You are deserving of love and compassion. You have permission to dream and activate those dreams into reality. The first step in escaping the night is to realize our worth in Christ. We are more than conquerors. We are the head and not the tail. We are loved beyond measure.
Today, make the decision to escape the night by getting rid of those people and circumstances that hold you back from what God has for you. Today, make the decision to walk into the morning light.