Thursday, May 5, 2016

"The Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil." - Engaging The Mind of Christ and Dismissing The Weak-Mindedness of This World!

Nothing earth-shattering to share with you today, and for that matter, I have nothing earth-shattering to share on any day, I just kindly remind us of things that we already know.  Today is no different. Think about this, the more time you spend with Jesus, the more you will begin to understand His way of thinking.

When Jesus calls you, He expects you to begin thinking like Him. It is important that we yield to God so that He may enable real, lasting change in the way we make choices and the way we behave.

Yearning to think like Jesus isn’t as impossible as it sounds. The Apostle Paul says we have been given the mind of Christ: For “who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ. (1 Corinthians 2:16 NKJV)

The issue is in accessing the mind of Christ. How is this done? I would suggest that as we mediate upon God’s Word and listen to the Holy Spirit, who is our guide into all truth (John 16:13), that we begin to tune in and in time we will begin to fine tune our thoughts and actions to be more aligned with that of Jesus.

As we walk with Him day in and day out, we will become intimate with His likes and dislikes; we will see what He sees and hear what He hears. We will know what He cares about and we will know what He considers insignificant, petty, or distracting.

We will become aware of how He responds to problems, criticism, truth, exhaustion, excitement, expectations, disappointments, hunger, poverty, love, laughter, accusations, manipulation, sorrow, sin, tension, distrust, redemption, rejection, legalism, ritual, religion, hypocrisy, happiness, joy, and we will learn what He thinks about our future.

All of this will teach us to think from God’s perspective, to engage the mind of Christ available to us through the Holy Sprit.

I pray for changed minds in this world. I pray for brotherly love and for decisions and conversations to be for the good and not for the demise of another. I pray for understanding and forgiveness when misunderstandings occur. I pray for your day, each encounter and for God's Word to instruct and to lead you into the next move in your life. I pray with a mind of Christ concerning you and I ask it all in His name. Amen.

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