Wednesday, May 18, 2016

"The Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil." - Why You KEEP Falling!!

Spiritual blindness is caused by spiritual stubbornness and spiritual lethargy; and by being spiritually numb and hard-hearted. All of these things are just the very tip of the iceberg when we see the influential affects of the devil’s activities in and through God's creation.

The devil himself is headed straight for a pit. Why then do we still follow his ways and those who are influenced by him? You want to know why things aren't going well with you and why it seems that you can never climb out of the hole, traps and devices that keep you from succeeding? Well, it's simple. Look at who you have chosen to follow!

Yes, YOU CHOSE to be led astray; YOU CHOSE to harden your heart to the warnings and blessings of God's Word. YOU CHOSE the pit and refused The Palace. Yes, YOU CHOSE to follow the blind and now you have been blinded.

OPEN YOUR HEART AND HAVE YOUR EYES REGAIN SIGHT! Look to and follow Jesus. If you do, you'll never fall victim of the pit that you seem to never be able to escape!

Jesus says, "If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit." (Matthew 15:14)

I once was blind but now I see...AMAZING GRACE is truly amazing when you "see" that AMAZING GRACE extends to you, even right now. That is what makes grace so AMAZING!

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